Revista Científica Universitaria2024-12-18T20:09:38+00:00Dr. Carlos Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Revista científica multidisciplinaria de carácter nacional e internacional que publica artículos originales de investigación, revisión y notas técnicas para divulgar resultados de trabajos de investigación pura, aplicada o formativa en las áreas de interés. Se publica semestralmente, de enero a junio, y de julio a diciembre. Presentamos una selección de artículos académicos destacados en las áreas de Ciencias Sociales y Ciencias Básicas.<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><br /></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Categoría índice: Multidisciplinarias</p> (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria Bees (Apidae: Meliponinae) and their nesting substrates in two sites with anthropic intervention in the community of Gandona, Colón Province2024-12-18T15:10:14+00:00Junior Cedeño Luna Murillo<p>Stingless bees or native bees are species belonging to the Meliponini tribe that live in tropical and subtropical areas of America, being more diverse and numerous in South America. They build their nests in diverse types of substrates, at least in Panama they are not found. have conducted studies related to the nesting substrates of these bees and that is why the objective of this study was to recognize stingless bees and their nesting substrates in two sites with anthropogenic intervention (pasture area and crop area). This study was conducted in the Community of Gandona, province of Colón, in the period corresponding to August 2022 to May 2023, to demonstrate the presence of stingless bee nests, sampling (collections) was carried out and subsequently the bees were identified with keys. specialized. As a result of this study, 19 nests of 9 species belonging to 7 genera of stingless bees were reported. In the pasture area the following species were found: <em>Tetragonisca angustula</em>, <em>Scaptotrigona pectoralis</em>, <em>Nannotrigona perilampoides</em>, <em>Trigona ferricauda</em> and <em>Plebia argyrea</em> and for the crop area: <em>Tetragonisca angustula</em>, <em>Tetragona perangulata</em>, <em>Trigona fulviventris</em> and <em>Trigona corvina</em>. In addition, 4 types of substrates were found in which they built their nests, these were trees, termite mounds, concrete and earth. Stingless bees are indicators of the quality of the environment and if the plant environment is degraded, the population of these insects will be affected and consequently crop production.</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria for Maritime Companies of establishing a Logistics Platform in Panama City2024-12-18T15:19:27+00:00Ann Marie Bernal Delvalle<p>This investigation presents an analysis of the possible benefits that maritime companies could obtain by establishing a logistics platform on the Pacific side of Panama City is presented. The methodology used was exploratory-descriptive. The possible benefits were measured with the quantitative approach, using the survey as a means of data collection through the questionnaire, with the Likert diagram, to obtain a better analysis. The study was carried out with 36 maritime companies engaged in the work of shipping agency, shipping line, cargo and logistics agencies, port and inland transportation. These companies are affiliated to the Panama Maritime Chamber and have their facilities registered on the Pacific side of Panama City. The result indicated that the companies surveyed considered that the most relevant benefits, according to the economic aspect, are the increase in intermodally due to the concentration of freight transport operators and the optimization of traffic flows. On the social aspect, the most important benefit is the development of transportation modes, followed by attracting investors. In terms of location, the companies surveyed considered it to be beneficial, since the logistics infrastructure helps companies to have the facility of auxiliary services in the same place. In conclusion, establishing a logistics platform has many benefits for maritime companies and for the country in general.</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria involved in capturing audio with a mobile 2024-12-18T15:52:02+00:00Juan Sebastián Murillo Sarmiento Enrique Núñez Díaz Andrés Sánchez<p>In the quest for an effective protocol enabling musicians to capture the highest audio quality from their instruments using mobile devices, critical variables were identified. Theoretical deliberation and collaboration with co-authors revealed that the distance between the musician and the device's microphone, along with the time of day during capture, are the most influential variables. Distance impacts the captured sound's intensity, while the time of day contributes to variations in frequencies, especially in background noise. The frequency spectrum analysis focused on a violin performing a chromatic scale of G, recorded in ".WAV" format using the "PARROT" tool on mobile devices. Analysis was conducted at two distances and two different times to pinpoint optimal capture conditions. Results indicate that the highest-quality audio capture occurs at 2 a.m., with a distance of 50 cm between the musician and the device's microphone. Recommending uncompressed file transfer via Google Drive to the post-production team prevents quality loss. This discovery streamlines musical post-production, proposing a protocol applicable to musicians at large.</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria and reliability analysis of value co-creation and customer satisfaction scales in marketing 2024-12-18T16:24:17+00:00Ronald Ariel Gutiérrez Gutiérrez Manuel Gómez-Rudy<p>Companies measure the degree of participation of their customers through co-creation and are interested in the satisfaction they feel when purchasing a good. The purpose of this study is to validate a questionnaire that measures co-creation and customer satisfaction variables. For the first variable, a scale was used that consists of 29 items distributed in eight dimensions: information search (3), information exchange (4), responsible behavior (4), personal interaction (5), feedback (3), advocacy (3), helping (4) and tolerance (3). In the customer satisfaction variable, a scale with 6 items in the same dimension was used. To calculate the content validity of the items, Aiken's V-coefficient was used based on four categories: coherence, relevance, clarity and sufficiency (V=0.99). The questionnaire was administered to 5 expert judges who exercise teaching functions and have extensive knowledge of marketing issues. For the internal reliability of the instrument, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated, applying the questionnaire to 50 people over 18 years of age, of which 72% are women and 28% are men (\alpha=0.816). It is concluded that the instruments selected to measure the variables of co-creation and customer satisfaction have a high index of validity and reliability. This study will contribute so that local companies can measure the degree of participation and satisfaction that their customers have regarding the product or service that is being marketed.</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria of microenvironments (phytotelmata) as a survival strategy of amphibians and reptiles in the Bonyic tropical forest, Bocas del Toro2024-12-18T16:34:48+00:00Irving N. Gómez Atencio Cáseres<p>The study determined the use of microenvironments (phytotelmata) as a survival strategy for amphibians and reptiles susceptible to climate change at the Weckso ecological center. For this purpose, 16 samplings were carried out between the months of May and August 2024, recording a total of 128 individuals distributed among the microenvironments: soil bromeliads, epiphytic bromeliads, bamboo stumps, and tree cracks. The canonical correspondence between the abundance of herpetofauna and climate change factors (temperature and precipitation volume) in the microenvironments demonstrated significant and inverse associations, whereas the ambient temperature increases, and precipitation decreases, amphibians and reptiles use humid microenvironments and when the rains begin, they are distributed to other environments. This was also confirmed by the analysis of the sample coverages of the online iNEXT program, obtaining quite complete coverages, for 93.9% in ground bromeliads; 82.8% in epiphytic bromeliads and 82.1% in bamboo stumps, just at the time of highest temperature and low rainfall. The species O. pumilio and D. auratus are vulnerable species by national law in this study and were the most associated and abundant in the microenvironments (phytotelmata).</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria of Communicative Skills Through the Nearpod Applicatión in Higher Education2024-12-18T16:47:42+00:00Kerly Feijoó Rojas Contreras Jordán Dahik Solí<p>The development of communicative competence is one of the most important skills since it is the only one that allows you to communicate quickly and spontaneously from anywhere. Considering also that communication skills empower students to become critical thinkers and empathetic leaders. This study aims to determine the importance of developing English language speaking skills in students of the Technical University of Babahoyo, enabling them to communicate effectively with those around them. Through the Nearpod application in higher education is intended to enhance oral skills due to it will increase the effectiveness of English communication because students can engage in meaningful dialogues, challenge assumptions, and foster mutual understanding. The methodology used is descriptive to detail the entire teaching-learning process through Nearpod, with qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data collected through an applied survey to students of higher education. The results revealed that 47% of the students surveyed denoted that the application did contribute to improving their oral expression skills. The findings suggest that Nearpod has been effective in improving not only speaking skills but also listening and reading comprehension skills. In conclusion, this study highlights the potential of using the Nearpod application to develop communication skills as one of the valuable tools to improve reading, listening comprehension, vocabulary and speaking skills through the linking of Flipgrid in higher education. With a good performance of communication in English language also students cultivate inclusive environments where everyone's voices are heard and respected.</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria the Challenges and Engineering Solutions in the Panama-David Train Project2024-12-18T16:54:39+00:00Gabriel Montúfar Chiriboga<p>The Panama-David train project represents a significant challenge in Panamanian civil engineering, as it is a railway infrastructure that seeks to connect the capital with the city of David along 450 kilometers. This article evaluates the main technical challenges facing the project, including geotechnical, structural, hydraulic, and environmental aspects. It analyzes innovative solutions implemented in international railway projects, such as the use of advanced ground-penetrating radar technologies, high-strength construction materials, intelligent drainage systems, and environmental sustainability practices. The discussion focuses on the feasibility of adapting these innovations to the local context of Panama, highlighting the importance of careful technological integration and sustainable planning. The conclusions underline the need to adopt a collaborative and adaptive approach that allows Panama not only to overcome technical challenges but also to position itself as a model of innovation in railway infrastructure in Latin America.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria cartography and segmentation of alternative tourism in Panama2024-12-18T17:00:30+00:00Octavio Arosemena Pineda Falconett Smith Batista<p>Mapping has advanced significantly thanks to aerial photography, satellite remote sensing, and the use of advanced drones and cameras, improving the collection and representation of geographic data. The tourism industry has benefited from these advances with tourism maps at various scales, which have optimized marketing and transformed tourist habits through mobile devices and digital platforms. However, in the sustainable development plans of tourist destinations, there is still a lack of specific segmentation for alternative tourism, defined by the UN UNWTO as trips focused on natural and cultural activities with a focus on the conservation of resources. The objective of our research was to design a map with segmentations of alternative tourism in order to lay the foundations for the implementation of tourism cartography in the country. In this sense, a geospatial analysis methodology and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques and tourism field work were implemented. As a result, a map of the Segmentation of alternative tourism in Panama was obtained. The use of technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), in the cartographic proposal for segmentation of alternative tourism, not only improves tourism planning and management, but also promotes a more sustainable approach; By adopting the methodology used in tourism research, it will be possible to highlight cultural and natural diversity in a responsible and equitable manner in a country or region.</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria Revalue Waste 2024-12-18T19:03:30+00:00Yermaline E. Ching Ruíz<p>.</p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Centros: Revista Científica Universitaria