Contacto2025-01-22T19:58:48+00:00Aaron Samuel Bracho Journal Systems<div dir="auto" style="text-align: justify;"> <p>La Revista Contacto es una publicación académica de la Universidad de Panamá, en línea con acceso abierto y divulgación nacional e internacional en el área de Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades, Derecho y Ciencias Políticas. Es auspiciada por la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado y se encuentra adscrita al Instituto de Derechos Humanos, Justicia y Paz. Recibe artículos inéditos en español o inglés indistintamente, siendo revisados en su lengua originaria, a través de un sistema de arbitraje de doble pares ciegos. Tiene una periodicidad cuatrimestral, tres números anuales: enero - abril; mayo - agosto; y septiembre - diciembre.</p> </div> <div> </div> <div>Categoría índice: Artes y Humanidades Ciencias sociales - Multidisciplinarias</div> entretenimiento de los videojuegos, como factor de manipulación publicitaria2025-01-06T20:18:00+00:00Iván V. Galástica<p>This article provides a look at the world of video games, this industry included in the orange economy is today the one that has had the greatest development worldwide in recent years and its figures in terms of audience and active players are reflected in millions of dollars. that year after year it is generating. The main objective of this writing is to provide updated information on what factors are considered in this entertainment industry and are used to achieve behavioral changes through advertising manipulation. This literature review manuscript used content analysis, with a qualitative approach. The main conclusion obtained is that this technological entertainment manages to make advertising within this field not seen as advertising and manages to transport its target audience to an alternate reality where their attention is greater than any other means of communication.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto tools2025-01-06T20:30:05+00:00Emmanuel Alemán<p>The inevitable technological progress we have seen in recent years has created the emergence of new tools that serve to facilitate the work of many organizations, and public relations have been able to use these tools to their advantage when conducting research. In this article, the aim is to show each of the tools that provide support in the research process both in the academic and in the work, its objective is to confirm that this new method is essential to build the reputation of the work of a public relations professional. An explanatory study was used for data collection, the reason is because it seeks to find the reasons why technological tools have become the new research method. A specialized bibliography will also be detailed to provide the most information for this article and thus give credibility to the chosen topic.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto Communication Influences Critical, Logical, Mathematical Thinking of Panamanian Public-School Students2025-01-06T20:51:46+00:00Máximo Javier Díaz<p>The American curriculum standards aim to progressively enable children to be able to see the data set as a whole, describe its shape, and use statistical characteristics, such as range and measures of central tendency to compare, considering the cycle: formulate questions, collect data, and represent them (Batanero 2002). In Panama, students have little developed critical and logical mathematical thinking that allows them to make decisions based on scientific data. The objective of this research is to establish the importance of logical mathematical reasoning that promotes the learning of statistics, from elementary school, to create a statistical culture in the citizens of tomorrow. The methodology used was the compilation of documents such as scientific articles, theses, etc. The results obtained reveal that digital tools and information and communication technology (ICTs) represent support for the achievement of the objectives set. In such a way that, by developing this skill from childhood, the country will be able to count on young people with analytical capacity in the face of the bombardment of information they receive, through mobile devices. Consequently, the results of the PISA test could improve and place our country in a better position.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto of Hypertext in Digital Media2025-01-07T14:54:27+00:00Carlos Enrique Piscoya<p>Today, the different technological advances in the appropriate use of hypertext in digital covers that are being presented in all disciplines of human knowledge are increasingly noticeable. Therefore, in the case of digital newspapers or cyberjournalism, it is observed on the Internet, in countries such as Spain, Latin America and Panama, there are different presentations, styles of digital covers with wide displays of information of an economic, political, social, sports, among other aspects of their respective countries. In fact, in our environment we see that the covers of traditional commercial newspapers such as: El Diario La Prensa, El Panamá América, La Estrella de Panamá, El Siglo, among others, have had to adapt their image, and incorporate a new format or designs to be placed on the Web. This has also led to the traditional linear writing of these digital media undergoing a modification with the establishment of the hypertext structure, whose non-linear modality makes its information interactive, interesting and more attractive to its readers, thus influencing business economics.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto role of communication in patient satisfaction at Santo Tomas Hospital2025-01-07T15:05:45+00:00Marisol Del Vasto Bermú<p>The purpose of this article is to describe the role of communication in patient satisfaction at the Santo Tomás Hospital, if the relationships of dialogue between health workers and patients and family members allow strengthening the forms of relationships both in the presentation of requests and in the response mechanisms that may be experienced. A descriptive study of the topic of hospital communication is proposed as an ideal mechanism aimed at consolidating means of intervention of the actors in a more dynamic context, while the assertive consequence is expressed in the satisfaction of the patient when considering that a level of empathy and approval of the various forms of care that are generated in the hospital center is shown. The study was based on a documentary review, in administrative records of the hospital that is composed of information available in previous records of patients who attended the care service for the elderly. It is concluded that communication channels are necessary and convenient to assertively strengthen integration in the hospital and recognition of relationships between the different actors.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto advertising and consumer behaviour2025-01-07T15:25:53+00:00Blanca<p>Green advertising is an effective way for companies to communicate their commitment to sustainability and environmental care to an increasingly sensitive audience. Therefore, this article analyzes green advertising and how it affects people in their attitude and consumption behavior of a certain green product, which is manifested in sustainable purchasing. Therefore, the exhaustive review of the literature specifically in green advertising, also empirical research, has observed that it is intended to shed light on the different green advertising strategies currently used. It also emphasizes the importance of consumers, both directly and indirectly, in the creation of environmental systems by organizations and society in general. For this reason, the elements that determine consumers' choices when purchasing organic products are examined. According to the literature consulted and empirical studies, green advertising actions, knowledge and interest in the environment have been found to be factors that favor the solidarity behavior of buying organic products. In addition, the study highlights the relevance of the strategy in green advertising by taking into account the specific cultural and social context when investigating consumer behavior against ecological advertising. Therefore, the study emphasizes the integral approach of ecological marketing, which considers both environmental and non-environmental factors, since it is key to influence consumer behavior towards sustainable products.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto and saloma as a lexical value of the cultural phenomenon in Panama2025-01-07T15:38:13+00:00Roberto Antonio Pinto Rodrí<p>Communication and Saloma as a Value of the Lexicon of the Cultural Phenomenon in Panama" is the title of this bibliographic review article whose objective is to explore the relationship between the saloma, a Panamanian folkloric expression, and communication. The adopted methodology included an exhaustive review of bibliographic sources, analyzing the phenomenon of the saloma from a communicative perspective. The findings revealed a deep connection between the saloma and communication, showing that the saloma was not only an art form but also a medium of social and cultural communication. It was discovered that the saloma had roots in Europe, specifically in yodeling, with earlier African influences. Additionally, a contemporary resurgence of similar forms of saloma, such as sailor salomas, driven by social networks, was observed. At the local level, a possible connection between the Panamanian saloma and the indigenous Ngöbe-Buglé chants was established. These discoveries reinforced the value of the saloma as a key element in the construction of Panamanian identity and culture. The research concluded that the saloma, beyond its musical function, acted as a vehicle for cultural expression, reflecting and shaping the social life and experiences of the Panamanian people.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto in Panama and the bicentennial pact from its communication and citizen participation2025-01-07T15:55:19+00:00Julissa<p>Panama has been characterized as a country that resolves its critical issues through dialogue, proof of this, since 1992, to date, the different governments after the military dictatorship experienced, have convened more than twenty tables of dialogue with various purposes and the most recent of them was the Bicentennial Pact, recognizing dialogue, communication and citizen participation as representative pillars in the strengthening of inclusive and democratic societies. The objective of this bibliographic review was to highlight the importance of dialogue, its communication and how citizen participation, also supported by digital tools and platforms, promote the exchange of empathy and conflict resolution, being essential for peaceful coexistence and development. collective of citizens, whose involvement contributes to democratic governance, by having a voice in decision-making and in the configuration of public policies and the strengthening of a genuine culture of dialogue. This is how this bibliographic review addressed the relevance of these concepts, making a comparison of said calls and how the Bicentennial Pact, methodologically, it turned out to be a process characterized by the rupture of the paradigms of the dialogues that preceded it, at the same time, it demonstrates that its communication perspective was a fundamental factor in the results of citizen participation obtained, which have been compared only with the statistics of the electoral tournaments every five years in the country.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto of social media in the education and identity of digital culture2025-01-07T16:12:18+00:00Gira A.<p>With the evolution of technology and knowledge society, social networks have brought with them an influx of functions and applications that increasingly impact the education of students, from early ages to university students. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the use that can be given to social networks in education and the cultural identity that emerges as a result of their use. For this purpose, we used a descriptive methodology, given the research carried out in studies related to the subject. Since social networks are a daily way of communicating, it deserves the study of art to determine its evolution and use in the academic field. Based on the analysis carried out by the different authors, we have been able to establish topics of discussion in which the subject or element that can determine the greater or lesser use of social networks within the classroom is the teacher. Thus, our conclusions emphasize that the use of digital technology fosters an environment of continuous communication and collaboration between students and teachers and creates a digital cultural identity.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto Samuel Bracho (c) 2025 Revista Contacto impact of the socio-economic crisis on university education in Panama2025-01-07T16:42:12+00:00Eufemia Batista<p>The socio-economic crisis of recent years has had a profound impact on university education in Panama, weakening both the quality of education and access to necessary resources for students and teachers. Despite progress in the implementation of technological tools and hybrid modalities, significant challenges remain, such as the lack of adequate infrastructure, Inadequate budgets and an education system which does not sufficiently encourage critical thinking or respond to current labour needs. The crisis has led to many young people dropping out of school and has highlighted the difficulty for teachers in adapting to new pedagogical approaches, especially those based on technology. Public universities have been the most economically affected, limiting their ability to ensure quality training. Although Panama has a legal framework to ensure the quality of education (Law 52 of 2015 that creates the National System of Evaluation and Accreditation for the improvement of the quality of Higher University Education), these mechanisms have not been able to mitigate the effects of the crisis. In addition, the labour market is not prepared to absorb university graduates who face difficulties in finding well-paid jobs. Despite the increase in enrolment and attainment of advanced degrees, Panamanian higher education faces a high social responsibility in an uncertain context where investment in education remains fundamental for the country’s sustainable and competitive development.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto trends in the application of control in customs processes in Panama2025-01-07T18:22:51+00:00Ernesto Ariel Campble<p>Considering how the models that drive the economic progress of the Central American region is impossible not to see how the Republic of Panama stands out among the concert of nations, It is simply unthinkable that a country with such a small population and so insidious macroeconomic indicators would emerge in such an impressive way to keep the proportions in the international concert. Simple lights draws attention and invites a more detailed reading of it, in this essay has taken the decision to do a "research" deep in one of the elements that have allowed this tiny country to stand out when compared with its neighbors and with the most important actors in the region. This analysis will focus on an element that represents thirty percent (30%) of the country’s GDP, we are talking about the logistics or tertiary sector of the economy, It is no surprise that Panama and its majestic interoceanic canal work are a provider of non-tax revenues of an unprecedented scale, greater than the possibilities of many other nations, However this element alone although it is a differentiator without any doubt is only one of the elements that formulate the logistic model of Panama. If we consider how this document intends to observe with greater acuteness the component of success in this field, we will discover that so elegant piece mentioned above is accompanied by an environment of elements which like symphony of success unambiguously predisposes what today many nationals take for granted that it is a whim of fate, what it is not, but rather the encause of different stages of professionals who without clarity develop one of the most agile management models in customs brokerage combining the needs of many latitudes with the individual capabilities of a noble nation It was oriented not to talk about forced to be a point of service and transit than a point of production and development.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto, opportunities and strategies in the teaching of Spanish2025-01-06T14:49:22+00:00Elizabeth Abigail<p>Spanish is a foreign language in Trinidad and Tobago which is an English-speaking country in the Caribbean. This language is a compulsory subject in public secondary schools for the first three years but there are students who choose to study it for five or seven years. Teachers experience challenges in the teaching of Spanish. Therefore, it is necessary to use various teaching strategies. The importance of Spanish as a foreign language in Trinidad and Tobago and the theories of learning and acquisition of a foreign language form a great part of this investigation. This article examines the teaching of Spanish in Trinidad and Tobago: the challenges, opportunities and strategies by Trinidadian and Tobagonian Spanish teachers.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto of toxic behaviours influenced by romantic expectations in fiction2025-01-06T15:07:31+00:00André Maguiña-Balló Roxana Chá<p>The representation of romantic love in the entertainment industry is addressed in films and television series. This model of love can generate abusive behaviours in relationships. The main objective of this article is to explore the perceptions of Peruvian adolescents and young adults about toxic behaviours derived from romantic expectations in fiction. The methodology used had an exploratory quantitative approach. The sample was non-probabilistic by convenience and 100 Peruvian adolescents and young people were surveyed. The main results show that a significant percentage of respondents are aware of the presence of toxic behaviours in their family and social environment, although a smaller percentage perceive feelings of guilt<strong>, </strong>tension, isolation or excessive control of social networks. However, they acknowledge the difference between romantic narratives generated by fiction and reality; exposure to romantic content that may influence their perception of their relationships; and the representation of romantic love in fiction as unrealistic and reinforcing gender stereotypes<strong>.</strong></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto between FOMO Syndrome and self-esteem in university students2025-01-06T15:24:54+00:00Eloy M. Có Á<p>The FOMO syndrome is defined as the fear of missing out, usually associated with activities or events on social media. Lack of attention to these platforms can generate anxiety in those who experience it. On the other hand, self-esteem refers to the judgment a person makes about themselves in relation to their perception of thoughts, attitudes, abilities, values, and body. We conducted a study with the purpose of investigating whether there is a relationship between self-esteem and the FOMO syndrome. This study was quantitative in nature, correlational in level, and cross-sectional in design, although not experimental. The sample consisted of 143 students aged 18 to 24 enrolled at the Centro Regional Universitario de San Miguelito, located in Panama City (CRUSAM). The results revealed that 7% of the students exhibited high levels of FOMO, while 11% showed low levels of self-esteem. However, a significant relationship between the FOMO syndrome and self-esteem could not be established, as the Pearson correlation coefficient r= -0.13 indicated a very low and statistically insignificant correlation."</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto contemporary visual poetry of Silvia Piranesi2025-01-06T15:49:07+00:00Roberto Blanco<p>This research is based on the following question: what kind of sociocultural repercussions does the implementation of visual codes have within the recent Costa Rican poetic language for the conception of contemporary art? The answer is intended to be resolved through the analysis of two poetic-visual works of Costa Rican writing Silvia Piranesi: Many brilliant notions and 52 poem requests of the year, from the approach of the theoretical conceptions of the sociology of art, emphasizing the contextualization of his work from contemporary art, Latin American Conceptualism and transgression.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto forgotten route2025-01-06T16:04:35+00:00Paul A. Córdobaésar Anel Rujano<p>The Darién Gap Route, a jungle region between Panama and Colombia, has been a significant obstacle to road integration in the Americas since the early 20th century. The construction of a road through this area has been seen as essential for trade and continental connectivity. Over the years, multiple conferences and congresses have discussed the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of this project, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach that considers social and environmental impacts. Despite advances in planning and legislation, the construction of this road remains a topic of debate. Concerns about social, cultural, and environmental effects, especially on local communities, have been constant. Recent research emphasizes the importance of inclusive consultation and respect for the rights of these communities to ensure sustainable development. The increasing migratory flow through the Darién Gap has added another layer of complexity. More than half a million migrants crossed this route in 2023, facing extreme challenges. This phenomenon has generated an urgent need for an adequate migration policy and strengthened institutional presence in the region. In this context, opening the Pan-American Highway through the Darién offers opportunities for integration and development but also presents significant challenges that must be addressed through a participatory approach that respects local communities and the environment.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto and defeasibility2025-01-06T16:38:25+00:00Francisco Diaz<p>In this work we will argue that legal reasoning is best understood as an instance of defeasible reasoning. So, it is important to distinguish between defeasible and not defeasible rule of inference. Perhaps the paradigmatic example is modus ponens. Given a legal rule R, R has the following form: A ® B, where A refers to a factual condition and B refers to a legal consequence. So, if A holds, then B is the case. But in some situations, exceptions can arise, and this means that B only holds probably. So, there are not conclusive modus ponens in law, defeatable.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto from the Popular Insurance to IMSS welfare in Mexico2025-01-06T17:02:51+00:00Juana Elvira Suárez Conejerojesconejero@hotmail.comNidia Sosa Delgadonidiasos@hotmail.comJesús Sánchezjs2769@nova.eduSilvia<p>The article explores the experiences and perceptions of patients with non-communicable chronic diseases and healthcare professionals in Mexico regarding the disappearance of Seguro Popular and the implementation of IMSS Bienestar. Through semi-structured interviews conducted with patients and healthcare professionals from different states in Mexico, the exploratory study reveals challenges and changes in access to health services, quality of care, and the impact of health policies. Patients reported difficulties such as the lack of medications and medical services, while healthcare professionals expressed concerns about uncertainty and resource shortages during the transition. The study highlights the need to improve communication and information about health services, as well as to address inequities in access to medical care. These findings underscore the importance of considering the perspectives of both patients and healthcare providers to achieve effective implementation of health system reforms.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto on migration in transit through Panama2025-01-06T18:30:49+00:00Samuel Alberto Pinto Ló<p>The following article presents some reflections on migration in transit through Panama from its historical, legal and sociological constitution of the Panamanian state, In addition to observing some social situations of vulnerability in this context and their approaches from public policies and the management of the design and implementation of these actions and institutional processes.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto marketing from a bibliometric approach to literature, characteristics and practical implications2025-01-06T18:47:28+00:00Ronald Ariel Gutiérrez Gutié<p>Social marketing includes activities that seek the well-being of society by eradicating problems that affect the social environment around us, with this has characterized this discipline since its inception. The purpose of this study is to analyze some characteristics and practical implications on the subject of marketing in the social field from a literature analysis. To this end, the Science Direct database was consulted in the advanced search section and the concept of "social marketing" was written to collect scientific output containing this term in the title of the research papers. The period covered by this study is 2010 to 2023. A total of N= 176 documents of different types were obtained, out of which a sample of n= 89 papers was taken, divided into research articles (84) and review articles (5). The VOSviewer program was used for data analysis. The results show a total of 336 keywords, of which 25 were taken with at least two co-occurrences and a thematic map was drawn up using these words. Ten key-term cluster were identified, where cluster 1 consists of five keywords, cluster 2 of four keywords, clusters 3, 4, 5 and 6 each contain three keywords and clusters 7,8, 9 and 10 each contain one word. Social marketing is a type of marketing aimed at the marketing of products and services, but with an environmental awareness approach directed towards consumers. This type of marketing focuses on promoting health for a better quality of life in people, as well as promoting healthy eating and motivating physical activities.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto of legal acts in Panama2025-01-22T19:58:48+00:00Marcial Cuadra<p>Nullity in a legal act is recognized in that some of its organic elements, will, object or form, among others, has been carried out imperfectly; From the perspective of Law, it accounts for a condition of invalidity that a legal action may have, and causes said act to cease to have legal effects, which is why it takes the act or rule back to the instance of its presentation. . With the objective of explaining, according to the rigor of the invalidity sanction, the absolute nullity of legal acts in Panama, the study is based on the Civil Code, using classic and contemporary authors to address the topic. Methodologically speaking, it is a non-experimental, documentary and transversal study, which is based on the bibliographic review of the topic, based on the conceptualization of the basic elements that make up the object of study. The results show that national legislation interprets nullity as the maximum sanction that the legal system grants for poorly formed acts, so validity becomes important in relation to the deficiency that can be found in the elements, budget or requirements of its conformation.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto review towards the elaboration of an analysis in the historical, didactic and human resources framework at CEFERE2025-01-06T19:31:04+00:00José Blas Álvaro Pcopedomme@gmail.comElvis Adilio Hernández Bernal Sánchezkayra_sanchez@yahoo.esMario De Leónjsalazardeleon@yahoo.comYamileth Rufina Wilson<p>The purpose of the bibliographic review is to allow the preparation of analysis in the historical, didactic, legal, and human resources framework of the Cecilia Orillac de Chiari Women's Rehabilitation Center (CEFERE), through the analysis of research related to the link between universities and penitentiary centers in countries such as Spain, Ecuador, Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina, Uruguay and Panama, as well as the collaboration of information, data, documents from professors in these countries. In conclusion, the work carried out by the San Miguelito Regional University Center of the University of Panama with women deprived of their liberty has yielded results in providing a new opportunity through different courses and programs that strengthen the rehabilitation, resocialization, and motivation process through educational strategies that are in line with the situation and in search of providing them with a better quality of life.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto factors in the digitalization of local governments in Latin America2025-01-06T19:56:12+00:00Miguel Ángel Juárez<p>The purpose of this work is to establish what type of factors can positively affect the digitalization process of local governments in Latin America and what are the particular conditions in the region that must be considered. To this end, three main axes are operationalized, defined as 1. State Policy, 2. Cybersecurity and 3. Integrated platform, and are analyzed in the cases of Mexico City, Buenos Aires, and Santiago de Chile, to determine the degree of digital maturity that these cities have and how they can serve as a reference for other similar cases. Finally, the areas of opportunity that still exist are exposed and contributions are made in this regard.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista Contacto