Punto educativo https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo <p><strong>Punto Educativo</strong> es una revista especializada que a través de sus números profundiza en un área concreta de las Ciencias de la Educación, ofreciendo un análisis más detallado y especializado de los avances, investigaciones y debates que se generan en este campo.</p> <p><strong> Sus principales características son las siguientes:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Enfoque temático:</strong> Cada número se centra en un área específica de la educación, como la educación infantil, la educación especial, metodologías de enseñanza y aprendizaje, educación superior, la formación del profesorado, la tecnología educativa, la educación inclusiva, entre otras.</li> <li><strong>Rigor académico:</strong> Se publican artículos que han sido sometidos a un proceso de revisión por pares riguroso, lo que garantiza la calidad y el rigor académico de las investigaciones presentadas.</li> <li><strong>Actualización constante:</strong> Siendo una publicación semestral asegura a sus lectores estar al día con los últimos avances e investigaciones en su área de interés.</li> <li><strong>Diversidad de formatos:</strong> Al publicarse en formato electrónico, asegura una interacción con sus lectores a través del uso de tecnologías habilitadas en el software de gestión de revistas como son: las RSS, redes sociales y diferentes formatos de lectura (PDF, HTML, XML, entre otros).</li> </ul> <p><strong>Funciones de la revista:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Difusión del conocimiento:</strong> Punto Educativo es el fundamental para la difusión de los resultados de investigaciones educativas, permitiendo que los avances del conocimiento lleguen a una amplia audiencia de profesionales y académicos.</li> <li><strong>Fomento del debate:</strong> La revista fomenta el debate y la discusión sobre temas educativos relevantes, proporcionando un espacio para que investigadores, docentes y expertos compartan sus ideas y perspectivas.</li> <li><strong>Promoción de la innovación:</strong> Promueve la innovación en el campo educativo, dando a conocer nuevas metodologías, herramientas y recursos que pueden ser utilizados por docentes y profesionales de la educación.</li> <li><strong>Apoyo a la toma de decisiones: </strong>Punto Educativo puede ser una fuente valiosa de información para los responsables políticos, quienes pueden utilizar los hallazgos de las investigaciones publicadas para tomar decisiones informadas sobre los temas presentados en los diferentes números publicados.</li> </ul> es-ES ffarnum@redipai.org (Francisco Farnum Castro) alexander.santana@up.ac.pa (Alexander Santana ) Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Editorial https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5835 <p>Editorial</p> Punto Educativo Copyright (c) 2024 Punto educativo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5835 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Ethical requirements in the training of university professionals: a subject for reflection https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5652 <p>The purpose of this paper is to reflect on an adequate relationship based on the demands of adequate ethics in the treatment and conduction of the training process of the university professional in all spheres of social life to solve the socio economic problems of each country, as well as the role that corresponds to the educational institutions. It is based on the humanism of man in an integral way, which is an expression of his autonomy that identifies him socially, which allows him to improve himself through integral education. The human being can establish personal and social relationships that positively value him throughout his communication process when he establishes relationships in a communicational framework, since being with others, being for others, and being for others belong to his essence. It is therefore recognized to achieve the ethical requirement when it can share, receive, and give. In education, these conditions of the human being are revealed, which are an expression of the educational values that characterize the educator in the process of the formation of the professional, thus achieving the true integral education in the interactive process with their students, continuously, with critical and creative thinking.Therefore, ethics as a science is capable of regulating all educational activities in even different contexts.</p> Diamilin Cutins Nodarse, Marcelina Cruz da Fonseca, Caridad Alonso Camaraza Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5652 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reading Promotion Activities and their Influence in Labor Formation https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5653 <p>The present article exposed the conception of activities oriented towards the development of the professional authority in students from Bachelor in Primary Education Major. As part of the approved result in the project from the Center of Studies for the Labor formation of children, adolescents, youngsters and adults (Cenfolab by its Spanish acronym) at the pedagogical Campus José de la Luz y Caballero. This article aims at solving the problem of favoring the development of labor qualities using reading promotion activities. Methods from the theoretical level were used like the analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and modeling. Likewise, the empirical surveys, participant observation, documentary review and elements of the statistical and mathematical method; which allowed the conception of such activities in students from the Bachelor in Primary Education Major.</p> Adis Lina Ibáñez Méndez, Elizabeth Mayo Parra , Martha Tamara Labarta Varona Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5653 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Heritage and heritage education: an issue for educational debate? https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5654 <p>Objective: Explain the relationships between heritage processes and heritage education as a matter for educational debate </p> <p>Methods. The research is assumed from a mixed approach with qualitative predominance. The system of methods included the theoretical use of the historical-logical, the analytical-synthetic and the inductive-deductive. The empirical methods used were document analysis, and the common synthesis matrix as a technique.</p> <p>Results. The study reveals the insufficient approach to the relationships between the processes of heritagization and heritage education from a theoretical perspective, as well as the need to value the latter as one of the ways for the sociocultural sustainability of heritage from the formation of an awareness and an educational practice. wealth in educators and wealth managers, focused on the use of social technologies and educational innovation.</p> <p>Conclusions. The relationships between the processes of heritagization and heritage education demonstrate the need to value the latter as one of the ways for the sociocultural sustainability of heritage from the formation of an awareness and a heritage educational practice in educators and heritage managers, focused on the use of social technologies and educational innovation.</p> Patricia Castañeda Paz , Lissette Jiménez Sánchez Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5654 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Current visions of dialogic education https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5655 <p>The objective of this article is to identify dialogic education and its contributions, based on a bibliographic review of current studies from internationally prestigious databases. After the integration of epistemological bases and through the review of current literature, contributions from the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 were selected; focused on the dialogic integrated into the construct with terms such as teaching, relationship, feedback and methodology. Thus representing the codes with which the dialogic conception shapes education. It is concluded that whether in pedagogy, didactics or evaluation, dialogic is not only a communicative exchange, but an exchange of knowledge in the scope of understanding knowledge, which supports a foundation for the current scientific development of education.</p> Manuel Iván Soto Vélez, Manuel Soto Licona Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5655 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The prevention of school violence. Importance of the diagnosis and intervention in the school groups https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5656 <p>The prevention and visibility of school violence is a challenge for Cuban schools today. In this sense, the experience presented here is part of the second theme to be addressed in this symposium, particularly about the management of violence in educational institutions. The paper presents the essential theoretical underpinnings and the methodology used in this research for the study of school violence in Primary Education. The results obtained in the diagnosis in two third-grade school groups are shown, as well as a proposal for educational workshops to contribute to the solution of the problems detected about the subject in question. In addition, the report of the first workshop is included, in which the value of the development of interventive actions in the group context as an essential space for the socialization of the human being is denoted.</p> Ileana Bernarda Aportela Valdés , Zunilda Rufín Vega , Rachel López Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5656 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design of a virtual environment for learning somatosensory evoked potentials https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5657 <p>Using the virtual learning environment of somatosensory evoked potentials in the Higher Technician in Clinical Neurophysiology contributes to training a quality professional. Capable of responding to social demands. The objective of the present work is to design a virtual environment as a learning space for somatosensory evoked potentials. On the other hand, technological development, prospective, and descriptive research were carried out. The universe consisted of six students. Theoretical and empirical methods were applied. As a result, a virtual environment was designed based on the methodological orientations established in the pre-professional practice course and the difficulties encountered by the students. Finally, the virtual environment described constitutes an important learning space for the students, contributes to gradually assimilating knowledge with a scientific-technical approach, and encourages constructive learning of the PESS.</p> Ivonne Jiménez Hinojosa, Cristóbal Mesa Simpson, Myrna del Puerto Horta , Héctor Rubén Barzaga Morales Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5657 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ICT-mediated education in the subject Planning of the Bachelor's Degree in Education. Economy https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5658 <p>The insufficient application of ICT in the pedagogical process of the subject Planning in the Degree in Education. Economics, at the University of Matanzas and the need to overcome this situation, are the fundamental reasons why the author proposes a methodological strategy that contributes to the preparation of teachers so that they know all the didactic possibilities offered by ICT ,for this subject , in said center.</p> <p>The fulfillment of this objective is based on the conception of a research process that combines in a balanced way concepts, methods and quantitative and qualitative research techniques, the current theoretical-methodological foundations from the sciences of higher education on technology-mediated education, in addition to the elements that characterize this object in the pedagogical process of the Degree in Education. Economics, at the University of Matanzas.The methodological strategy, the result of the research work, makes a contribution to the practice of the work of improvement and methodological preparation of the professors of the aforementioned career, from the University of Matanzas.</p> <p>The strategy was theoretically evaluated by applying the specialist criterion.</p> Lidianis Alfonso Suárez Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5658 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pedagogy, values and quality of the education, from positive experiences https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5659 <p>Pedagogy, first as a doctrinal attempt, and now, as a science, is the most complex and significant structure of the educational sciences. As a doctrine, it accepts the different positions or primary philosophical currents, product of the different Schools of Greek Thought: the hylozoism of Thales of Miletus, the sophism of Pythagoras of Abdera, the pantheism of Parmenides of Elea, the atomism of Leucippus and Democritus, until reaching the three greats of western philosophy: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and, later, other philosophers who followed the same lines of thought and work. originally, was known as the art of educating children; and today, as a social science, which provides the fundamental bases and guides the delicate mission of educational systems of any kind; it has its own methodological body of research, to achieve its knowledge of man and society and works together with Didactics, as the art of conducting teaching and learning. Pedagogy and, therefore, the educational sciences, are also helped by other sciences and become a systematic and holistic model that covers all aspects of human knowledge. In addition to this, in the first instance, pedagogy and psychology can be considered as the main sciences, because they provide the theory and processes for the achievement of learning in praxis. In addition, as stated above, it is supported by various disciplines that favor educational practices, facilitating a pedagogical-didactic, dynamic and collaborative process, so that desired competencies are achieved from the mastery of knowledge that, as Joseph Novak says, basing its principles on the theory of David Ausebel, so that the student learns to integrate thinking, feeling and acting so that there is significant and relevant learning that leads to achieving knowledge; and, we add, also effective, efficient and practical, for the achievement of the integral development of the student and becomes the full experience of an education in values and, in turn, contributes to the formation of the family as the fundamental basis of society.</p> Migdalia Bustamante Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5659 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Perspectives of psychopedagogy in Colombia. A look at pedagogical training https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5660 <p>Within the framework of research on psychopedagogy, there is currently significant progress in evidencing its transformations as a social discipline and pedagogical knowledge. This makes sense to the extent that it builds its epistemological status hand in hand with education, which is based on learning.</p> <p>Hence, it is important to make its contributions visible and reflect on the perspectives of Psychopedagogy in Colombia from a pedagogical point of view, following a hermeneutic historical documentary analysis based on the sources of information found in the country's main databases and libraries.</p> <p>On the other hand, we questioned ourselves about the evolution of the role of the psychopedagogy graduate and what has been the process of articulation with education, through time based on the psychopedagogy degree program, since it is the only program in the country.</p> <p>According to the above, it is relevant to insist on the historical, pedagogical, and vocational trajectory of the training of educators in psycho-pedagogy in the country, which has led to the existence of a single program in the country and is advancing in its quality processes from obtaining its qualified registrations and high-quality accreditation in its 60 years of existence by the CNA and the MEN.</p> <p>From this perspective, how the Bachelor's Degree program in Psycho-pedagogy with emphasis on educational counseling and the functions of the guidance teacher, the classroom teacher, and the support teacher has been structured shows, that it is not fortuitous that there is clarity and expansion in their functions, evidence of where the psycho-pedagog-ist is going in function with the opening of Resolution 3842 of 2022 of the MEN, This is evident in the pedagogical research practices and the work performance functions and the development of psycho-pedagogical intervention projects, supporting the mission of having received 3 high-quality accreditations for a period of 8 years.</p> Claudia Figueroa, Nelsy Viviana Suárez Pérez Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5660 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Mathematical Knowledge, a necessity in the formation of the professional of the Economics Sciences and Financial Accounting https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5661 <p>The work approaches the Teaching-Learning process of Mathematics and its link with the Economic and Financial Accounting Sciences; University-Company; and Educator-Worker; to contribute to the development of knowledge, skills, analysis, and interpretation of economic problems using mathematical tools in the formation of a more competent professional. Observation, historical-logical, induction-deduction, systemic-structural, and functional methods were used, which constituted an important tool from the scientific and methodological point of view. By putting this tool into service in mathematics and economic sciences, it has contributed to better preparation of the teacher and the professional of economic sciences; it promotes a higher degree of decentralization and the responsibility of preserving the planned nature of the economy.</p> Reynaldo Telmo Ramírez Torres Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5661 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Consolidating the path of the University and the Training of Educators: Results, Projections and Challenges https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5662 <p>The work gathers the experiences in the improvement of the formation of educators in the University of Holguin. It is permitted to reveal the insufficiencies in the management of the initial formation process, which limit the fulfillment of its objectives in the formation of professionals in education. Taking this as a point of departure, the challenges faced by the university are synthesized considering the diversity of types of courses in the formation of educators in the different specialties. Procedures for the management of the initial formation process are socialized. From the practical point of view, the resources for its dynamic from the different systematization levels of the initial formation management in the faculty are given as well, through the contrasting analysis of self-evaluation and the proper evaluative act at these levels.</p> Roberto Pérez Almaguer, Nadia Chávez Zaldívar, Nitza Ricardo Díaz Copyright (c) 2024 PUNTO EDUCATIVO https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://revistas.up.ac.pa/index.php/punto_educativo/article/view/5662 Tue, 15 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000