Revista Colegiada de Ciencia <p style="text-align: justify;">La Revista colegiada de ciencia del Centro Regional Universitario de Veraguas, Universidad de Panamá asume el reto estratégico de implementar acciones para garantizar impacto y visibilidad de la información científica en el país y en el ámbito internacional, manteniendo la calidad y el prestigio de la revista, mediante el cumplimiento de los criterios y normas establecidas. Este órgano de difusión de los trabajos científicos en una multiplicidad de campos de la ciencia: Física, Matemáticas y Ciencia de la Tierra; Biología y Ciencias de la Salud; Ciencias Sociales; Humanidades y Ciencias de la Conducta, y Ciencias Agropecuarias.<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><br /></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Categoría índice: Ciencias sociales - Multidisciplinarias</p> es-ES (Octavio Castillo) Fri, 18 Oct 2024 17:32:16 +0000 OJS 60 Editorial Carlos Emilio Seixas Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 HISTORICAL SEMIOTIC INTERPRETANTS OF THE PANAMA CANAL AS A JOURNALISTIC SIGN <p>The issue of the Interoceanic Canal is one of the journalistic signs with the greatest presence in the news media throughout history, especially during the negotiation of the Torrijos Carter treaties (1972-1977) and later when Panama assumed full administration of all the canal areas (1999). In this context we ask ourselves: What interpretants, from the interpretive and inferential semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, generated these informative texts, and what relationship does history, semiotics and journalism have? Therefore, the methodological approach used consisted, in the first instance, of a content analysis, and then of a semiotic analysis, for which the triadic relationship of the Peircean sign and its phaneroscopic categories of firstness, secondness and thirdness were taken into account.In addition to readings of news texts by readers, and in-depth interviews with journalists who are part of the academy. The objective of this article is to reveal the immediate, dynamic and final historical interpretants that generated the journalistic texts. According to the readings, contributions of the interviewees, and the analysis, this sign regains relevance, given the historical meaning of its nature as a journalistic sign.</p> Etelvina Hernández Aguirre Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STATISTICS AND INDICATORS IN THE EVALUATION, MEASUREMENT, AND MONITORING OF THE FAIR GENDER EQUALITY POLICY IN PANAMA <p>This article examines the Fair Gender Equality Policy in Panama, focusing on the evaluation, measurement, and monitoring of this policy in the educational field. Using an analysis matrix from ECLAC, gender equality policies are evaluated in all phases of the public policy cycle, from problem identification to implementation and evaluation. This matrix also considers the capacity of policies to address socio-economic, legal, cultural injustices, and in the representation of rights. The study focuses on the Gender Parity Index (GPI) in educational government management, highlighting the importance of specific indicators adapted to the context and objectives of public policy. Indicators such as the workload of domestic and care duties, income, and political participation are analyzed, in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Using data from the Population and Housing Census and other studies, the participation of women in work and education in Panama is examined. The longitudinal study, covering from 2001 to 2022, uses administrative records to analyze the GPI at different educational levels, observing a trend towards parity or female prevalence, especially in secondary and higher education.</p> Carmen Forero Villao De Ho , Saskia Ayala Flores , Julio Trujillo González Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PREVENTIVE PRISON AS A FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SUBSTITUTE PERSONAL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES IN THE CRIMINAL PROCESS <p>Personal precautionary measures represent an alternative to avoid the direct imposition of preventive detention. When a measure is imposed, various risk factors must be taken into account based on the nature of the event, since this prevents the destruction of evidence or the risk of flight. In the Criminal Procedure Code, in article 224, the types of precautionary measures are broken down, highlighting that the last is preventive detention because all the others are evaluated first, before imposing said measure or rather when changes are made due to non-compliance with the others.</p> <p>Personal precautionary measures represent an alternative to avoid the direct imposition of preventive detention. Failure to comply with these measures generates revocation by the Judge of Guarantees, because the person becomes a risk in the process; that is, there is a probability that he or she will flee, damage or contaminate the evidence. Hence, the importance of this topic to identify the correct application of alternative measures to preventive detention and what are its legal consequences, since the victims are left unprotected and their rights are violated. The purpose of this work was to analyze the non-compliance with personal precautionary measures, which affect the change to preventive detention in the criminal process of Santiago de Veraguas. An innovative topic that serves as a reference for future research by providing information that does not exist at the national level. The methodology used is quantitative, descriptive design of a non-experimental type of cross-section. A sample of ten participants is chosen, represented by the actors of the criminal process. The instrument applied was the survey with closed questions. It is concluded that people do not comply with the personal precautionary measures imposed by the Guarantee Judge, because they tend not to be so harmful, which causes the crime to be committed. The little knowledge that the population has regarding this subject is what leads to non-compliance</p> Luis G. Peñalba R. Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SENSORY EVALUATION OF AVOCADO (PERSEA AMERICANA) FROZEN AT -20 °C TREATED WITH BMP ADDITIVES <p>This research aimed to evaluate the sensory stability of avocado (<strong><em>Persea Americana</em></strong>) slices treated with different concentrations of GMP additives (citric acid, ascorbic acid, lemon juice and a control test), and stored at -20°C. Avocados with an optimal degree of maturity between 4-7 kg/cm² (N) were used. The samples were cut, treated with 3%, 6% and 9% solutions with the additives mentioned above, dried and packed in corrugated polyethylene bags under vacuum and without vacuum to later be frozen. Changes in texture and color were measured every 15, 30 and 45 days. A sensory analysis was also carried out with untrained panelists to evaluate the acceptance of the product based on color and texture, using a hedonic scale. The results showed that ascorbic acid and lemon juice were the most effective treatments to maintain the sensory quality of avocado during frozen storage. Lemon juice worked best to preserve color and texture without vacuum while ascorbic acid was more effective in vacuum packed samples p&lt;0.05. These additives in concentrations between 3% and 9% allow the useful life of cut and frozen avocado to be extended while maintaining good sensory acceptance.</p> Katherine Flores , Iveth Vargas , Manuel Ulises Solís Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 UNRAVELING THE MAGIC OF RHETORIC IN ROYAL COMMENTARIES <p>The work written by Garcilaso de la Vega, The Royal Commentaries of the Incas, is considered an important historical and literary chronicle, since in this writing the knowledge and oral traditions of the Inca culture are compiled, becoming an invaluable source for the study of this ancient civilization. In this sense, due to the clarity, fluidity and elegance of his prose, Garcilaso is considered the father of Latin American literature, which gives sufficient merit to study his work. Therefore, this article analyzes how The Royal Commentaries of the Incas provide a great literary, narrative and fictional style that is reflected through the use of some rhetorical figures, which give the stories a lot of expressiveness, but without detracting from the historiographical value that this work has. Regarding the methodological aspects, this research is qualitative, narrative and documentary, because for its development various bibliographic sources were consulted that serve to understand the meaning of human experiences. Although the Royal Commentaries of the Incas is perceived as a historical and ethnographic chronicle, it is possible to identify, in it, a countless number of stylistic resources, which provide elegance and fluidity to the text, a characteristic that captivates readers through its style. expressive and sophisticated.&nbsp; In conclusion, reading this historical chronicle is recommended, since the literary figures found in this text allow you to enjoy the value given to rhetoric as a literary and communicative tool since that time.</p> Zoribell Anays Salcedo Murillo , Leonardo Flores Ramos , Diana Suárez Barrera , Katiria Estela Sánchez Montezuma , Yessenia Miranda , Astrid Vanesa López Martínez Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE DISTRICT OF SANTIAGO DE VERAGUAS <p>The demographic aging that began years ago in Panama is becoming more acute in this century, in this article a socioeconomic characterization is made, essential aspects in every family where the work of the State is to ensure the safety of this population group, results that should be aimed at having a healthy aging. In 2021, an exploratory-descriptive study was conducted in the district of Santiago de Veraguas, specifically in (Santiago cabecera, Canto del Llano and San Martin de Porres), this survey focused on the population aged 60 years and older. The sample size was 379 people of which 212 were from Santiago cabecera, 80 from Canto del Llano and 87 from San Martin de Porres. A measurement instrument was applied with open and closed questions with variables: income, occupation, health, illnesses, others. Socioeconomic inequalities were identified among the respondents in the income of the adults, 41% reported receiving income from their condition of retired.Some 78% receive a monthly income of less than US$600.00; their income does not cover the current minimum wage, which in Panama is approximately US$675.00 per month.&nbsp;</p> <p>Fifty percent report that they do not do any type of physical exercise, which ultimately translates into chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. The State does not guarantee adequate protection for the elderly, according to 78%. Ninety-one percent suggested creating more spaces to enhance personal satisfaction and 62% considered that in the area of health, previous governments have a fair to poor evaluation.</p> José Manuel Salazar Atencio Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERSONAL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES IN THE NEW PANAMANIAN CRIMINAL PROCESS <p>Times have changed and the process of transformation and implementation of the New Accusatory Penal System (SPA), in Veraguas, represents a significant milestone in the evolution of the justice system in the region. This change seeks to promote agility, transparency and efficiency in judicial processes; focusing attention on respect for the fundamental rights of those involved. In this context, one of the crucial aspects that deserves special attention is the use of personal precautionary measures. This research aims to analyze personal precautionary measures in the province of Veraguas, taking into account which is the most applied. The methodology applied in this study was quantitative, descriptive, explanatory and non-experimental. A survey was applied to forty-five people, including: judges, prosecutors, lawyers, students and teachers of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Regional Center.University of Veraguas, it was concluded that the new criminal procedural model has partially improved the application of personal precautionary measures, leaving in debate which of the measures is most applied in this new system.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Luis G. Peñalba R. Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE FUTURE OF ADAPTIVE STRUCTURES <p>4D printing has emerged as a significant evolution of 3D printing, integrating smart materials capable of changing their properties in response to environmental stimuli. This technology has the potential to revolutionize construction by enabling the creation of adaptive structures that can respond dynamically to conditions such as temperature, humidity, and pressure.The objective of this study is to provide a prospective view on the future of adaptive structures in construction, exploring how 4D printing can transform this field. Emerging trends, current challenges, and future opportunities are analyzed to contribute to existing knowledge and guide future research. A comprehensive review of the state of the art was conducted, utilizing relevant scientific databases to identify key articles on 4D printing in construction. The selected studies were evaluated based on their thematic relevance, contribution to knowledge, and</p> <p>methodological quality, focusing on smart materials, manufacturing technologies, practical applications, and barriers to implementation. The results indicate that, although 4D printing offers significant advantages in terms of adaptability and sustainability, its large-scale adoption faces considerable challenges. These include the durability of materials, high production costs, and the lack of clear regulations. However, future projections suggest that the development of new materials and the integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and IoT could overcome these barriers. This study underscores the importance of 4D printing in the future of construction, highlighting both its advantages and limitations. It is recommended to continue research in this area, with a focus on creating regulations and developing more affordable and durable materials. The impact of these innovations could be significant, transforming the way we conceive and build.</p> Gabriel Montúfar Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERCEPTION OF QUALITY IN THE SERVICES OF THE EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY OF A HIGHER EDUCATION CENTER. <p>The knowledge of the perception of users about the quality of the services provided by an institution or from external companies contracted by it is of vital importance to make the necessary changes to improve the marketing and to promote growth and increase demand. Universities have the need to comply with the accreditation requirements for Higher Education institutions, which leads them to carry out a process of self-evaluation and self-correction, not only in the academic part, but also in the provision of services that encompass such work. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out this type of research that allows correcting or</p> <p>adapting the services provided by the institution, whether internal or external.</p> <p>To carry out the study, a sample of 700 students was selected, 45 teachers and 15 administrative staff (exceeding 15% of the total population). The survey was applied to students randomly in 5 of the 14 faculties located in the CRU Coclé (Public Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Accounting, Nursing, Humanities and Electronic Computing and Communication). The study revealed some important data. The night shift is the one that benefits the least from the cafeteria service due to its schedule. In general, users consider that the cafeteria should improve its services and among the services that should be improved is the menu. The copy service of the Student Center is considered good. Users see their needs satisfied in this copy center. It is necessary to review the prices vs. the quality of the service. The transportation service should be improved. The attention that users receive on the buses is regular and the frequency of the transportation should be improved.</p> Luis Carlos Reyes Flores , Gladys Yasmín Cuellar Q. de Reyes Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO THE DROPOUT OF STUDENTS PURSUING A BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IN THE CERRO PUERCO ANNEX, NGÄBE BUGLÉ COMARCA, 2022 <p>The study focuses on the analysis of social and economic factors, visualized through the perception of teachers and students, with the intention of describing the relationship with the university dropout of the students of the bachelor’s degree in Primary Education of the Cerro Puerco Annex of the Ngäbe Buglé region, year 2022. Its approach is quantitative, descriptive, associated to the non-experimental method.</p> <p>The results highlight the consensus on the part of teachers and students on the repercussion of economic and social factors in the desertion of the university career; the lack of economic resources and social and family problems are identified as relevant factors by 40% of the teachers. An increase in desertion is perceived, and 80% support the design of proposals to detect its factors, evidencing the complexity of the problem and the need for a comprehensive intervention. In addition, 100% agree on the need to conduct a socioeconomic study to address dropout. The students, for their part, emphasize that dropout has a negative impact on future generations and that teaching methodology influences this phenomenon. Based on the findings, it is concluded that social and economic factors have a significant impact on university drop out, becoming an element of special attention for educational organizations in relation to the socioeconomic well-being of students. The situation of this study highlights the urgency of conducting detailed socioeconomic studies and applying specific interventions to reduce dropout. The research provides evidence that, in addition to economic, access and family difficulties, career guidance and an adapted academic offer are valued by students and are fundamental to improve permanence in higher education, especially in rural and indigenous contexts.</p> Jonathan Yoel De Gracia Vega , Irasema Vega de Martínez Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000