Scientific Journal T&E <p><strong><em>Scientific Journal T &amp; E</em></strong>, revista integrante del grupo editorial del Portal de Revistas de la Universidad de Panamá. Fue fundada en el año 2024; legalizada su existencia y autorizada mediante disposiciones de la Oficina de Publicaciones Académicas y Científicas de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado de la Universidad de Panamá e inscrita con Certificado de <strong>ISSN 3072-9653</strong> otorgado por el <strong>Centro nacional del ISSN de Panamá (</strong>Código país: PAN Código Centro: 77) ubicado en la Biblioteca Nacional Ernesto J. Castillero R.</p> <p>Publicación electrónica de periodicidad <strong>semestral (octubre-marzo y abril-septiembre)</strong>, académica, científica y especializada en ciencias de la educación; diseñada fundamentalmente para investigadores del área de educación. </p> <p>Edita y publica artículos científicos originales e inéditos, que constituyen resultados de investigaciones referidas a las Ciencias de la Educación en todas sus ramas.</p> <p>Los artículos científicos que se remiten para su publicación son evaluados por especialistas en el tema siguiendo el método de <strong>"revisión por pares ciegos"</strong>, en el cual autores y árbitros no se conocen entre sí. Cada artículo es revisado al menos por dos árbitros, quienes actúan como grupo y se pueden comunican entre sí.</p> <p>Recibimos con beneplácito a toda la comunidad científica del mundo para que accedan a nuestro sitio electrónico, mediante el URL:</p> <p><a href=""><em></em></a><em> (Internet).</em></p> <p><em>Correo electrónico: </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p> <p>Todo usuario de la revista, que desee, puede solicitar la publicación gratuita de sus manuscritos científicos, para lo cual le sugerimos leer <strong>previamente</strong> las normas de publicación y referencias bibliográficas de la revista <strong><em>Scientific Journal T &amp; E</em></strong><em>. </em></p> Universidad de Panamá en-US Scientific Journal T&E 3072-9653 Treatment of Socioemotional Skills in elementary education students in Mexico during the post-pandemic <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a series of events that have had a personal and social impact since 2020 in various areas, including the educational sphere. In Mexico, the confinement dictated by health and educational authorities implied isolation of students in their homes, limiting physical contact with classmates and with their teachers, which, after two school cycles (2019-2020, and 2020-2021), represented great difficulties during the return to the classroom at the level of group coexistence, collaborative work and academic performance, among other aspects. The objective of this study was to design a pedagogical strategy aimed at strengthening the socioemotional skills of elementary school students.&nbsp; To fulfill the main objective of the research, we worked from a qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach, whose sample consisted of 14 teachers and 41 students from 7 elementary schools located in different states of the country. The results indicate that the implementation of a pedagogical strategy based on emotional education contributes to the improvement of group coexistence, collaborative work, and students' academic performance. These data are considered relevant in a context such as the current one, in which uncertainty about the events that occur and the immediacy with which they must be faced have become references for the daily actions of all human beings, since only in this way is it possible to adapt to change progressively.</span></p> Ma. Consuelo Jiménez Jiménez Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 9 33 10.48204/3072-9653.5667 The development of orientation and mobility skills in adolescents with visual disabilities <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The present research highlights the transcendental importance of orientation and mobility skills to improve the levels of self-validity of visually impaired people. The research is immersed in the analysis of this specific problem in the “José Martí” Basic Secondary School in the city of Santa Clara. To understand and approach this topic, an exhaustive review of the pertinent theoretical references is carried out. Using methods such as documentary analysis, in-depth interviews, participant observation, and triangulation of data in real situations, the development of orientation and mobility skills of a blind adolescent girl in 9th grade is investigated. Based on the fundamental findings obtained, a group educational project based on project-based teaching (PBE) is proposed, whose principles and characteristics are adapted to the situation identified in the school. Subsequently, the project is evaluated by a group of specialists with proven experience, who provide fundamental criteria on the quality and relevance of its future implementation. This evaluation process ensures that the educational proposal meets quality standards and has a significant impact on the school context.&nbsp; Through this research, we seek to generate positive changes in the formation and development of orientation and mobility skills of students with visual impairment, promoting their full inclusion in the educational and social environment.</span></p> Leidy Laura González González Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 34 54 10.48204/3072-9653.5668 The family and the process of educational inclusion in schoolchildren <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The process of inclusion of students with special educational needs constitutes, without a doubt, one of the most studied, debated and followed topics from the end of the last century to the present by pedagogues and other specialists responsible for its materialization, both in Cuba and in the world. The present work focused its attention on one of the most controversial aspects of this phenomenon, family orientation in the process of educational inclusion of schoolchildren with hearing disabilities. It arises from the deficiencies detected in the families of a hearing disability group at the Fructuoso Rodríguez Special School. A brochure is offered to carry out this orientation, which is evaluated, taking into account the criteria of a group of specialists, this allows us to recognize its quality, its relevance and the possibility of being applied. </span></p> Gretter Martínez Lago Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 55 69 10.48204/3072-9653.5669 Educational care for people with intellectual disabilities from the community <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In Cuba, educational attention to students with intellectual disabilities is a priority that must be assumed by the professionals involved in their education, as well as by their family members and other educational agents. The objective of this research is expressed in characterizing the academic attention to people with intellectual disabilities in a Popular Council of the city of Santa Clara, Villa Clara Province, from its link with community projects as part of the development of university extension to enrich the university-society relationship. The methodology in this research is a qualitative approach with a descriptive scope, 17 people with disabilities were selected as a sample following the non-probabilistic intentional criterion. The intention is expressed in knowing the reality of this process from the application of empirical methods and the use of theoretical methods for its understanding and substantiation of the subject. The results revealed the potentialities and needs that characterize this educational attention in the community context, the need to consolidate the university-society link, and new ways to achieve it.</span></p> Beatriz de la Caridad Galvez Jimenez Lismay Pérez Rodríguez Diana Estela Pérez Chávez Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 70 94 10.48204/3072-9653.5670 The use of digital social networks in the training of Physics Teachers <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digital social networks are essential interaction spaces in the lives of Internet users. Their use in a moderate manner becomes a constructive way for learners and students in training, where their possibilities as a complement to educational activity have not been widely explored. Given this, this research presents the results of an investigation carried out at the “Rubén Martínez Villena” Pedagogical School in the province of Artemisa; which aims to analyze the use of digital social networks among students who are trained as Lower Secondary teachers, Physics specialty. The methodological basis of this study is mixed, quantitative and qualitative, and consists of a survey applied to students and a series of interviews with students and teachers, with statistical work of counting frequencies and percentages in the survey and interpreting meanings in the testimonies obtained in the interviews. The importance of the educational use of this type of networks by students is highlighted, having collaborative learning as a framework.</span></p> Andry González Pacheco Yosdey Davila Valdés Juan Carlos Martin Llano Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 95 111 10.48204/3072-9653.5671 Dance: a way for the socio-educational inclusion of students with a diagnosis of intellectual disability <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The main objective of the paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of a set of dance activities to contribute to the formation of an inclusive attitude in a group of primary level students; a research was carried out using different theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, historical-logical and systematic-structural methods that made possible the interpretation of the investigated subject, as well as empirical methods such as pedagogical pre-experiment, observation and interviews. The sample was taken from the 26th of July Primary School in the town of Cascorro. It was found in the pedagogical practice that, due to the influence of the proposed system of activities, a significant contribution was made to better communication and acceptance among all the students in the group; the development of an inclusive attitude was achieved, as well as the socio-educational inclusion of a student with a diagnosis of moderate intellectual disability.</span></p> Mayara Céspedes Medina Melva Luisa Rivero Rivero Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 112 125 10.48204/3072-9653.5672 Identifying Trends and Challenges in Competency-Based Agricultural Education: A Literature Review 2019 - 2024 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The review focuses on competency-based agricultural education in Latin America, analyzing its evolution in the face of challenges such as globalization, climate change, and the shortage of qualified professionals. The disconnect between educational training and labor market needs is highlighted, leading to unemployment and informality issues in the agricultural sector.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A comprehensive review of academic literature between 2019 and 2024 identifies successful practices that integrate technology and innovative methodologies, such as hybrid learning. These approaches improve student engagement and increase employability in rural areas. Key competencies for future professionals include technical, digital, and transversal skills, such as problem-solving and teamwork.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The importance of promoting inclusive and sustainable education aligned with local realities is emphasized, suggesting strategies to improve agricultural education, such as updating curriculum content and using emerging technologies.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Thus, it is concluded that it is crucial to transform agricultural education in Latin America to adapt to contemporary demands, promoting training that not only focuses on employability but also fosters sustainability and social equity. This transformation is essential to prepare students for a constantly changing environment and to ensure their success in the labor market.</span></p> Edwin Pile Andres Chang Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 126 155 10.48204/3072-9653.5673 TRAINING OF TEACHERS' ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE PROCESS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR THE CARE OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: A STUDY AT THE HIGHER INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES OF SUMBE <p>The fundamental actor to make inclusive education as a reality is the teacher, therefore, the objective of this monograph is to characterize the formation of attitudes of university professors towards the process of inclusive education for the care of students with disabilities in the Higher Institute of Education Science of Sumbe. To perform this, a simple random probabilistic sample of teachers mostly who teach in the Teaching Primary and the managers of the Board of Directors of the institution under study, to whom a questionnaire with two blocks was applied to identify the attitudes of university professors in relation to the care of students with disabilities. Among the main results, it was verified in the first block that the attitude of the participants was negative in relation to inclusive education, but became more positive in the second block when referring to the care of students with disabilities.Due to the shortcomings identified and the systematization of the theoretical, methodological and practical assumptions in relation to inclusive education in the Higher Education Subsystem, we suggest two thematic axes (teacher training and administrative aspects) that can be contemplated in the programming of continuous and permanent training actions for teachers university students, thus helping to make their attitude towards the process of inclusive education for the care of students with disabilities more positive.</p> António Zinga Santos Candeeiro Germano Eduardo Manuel Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 156 174 10.48204/3072-9653.5825 Lost Towns, a novel between history and fiction <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This article analyzes the novel <em>Lost Towns</em> by Gil Blas Tejeira, focusing on its narrative, symbolism, its theme and its relationship with the history of Panama. Regarding its methodology, this research can be classified as qualitative, documentary and literary, where different types of documents are collected and analyzed, citing previous studies and research. The article highlights several aspects of the novel, including the history of Phoenix City (Columbus) and the construction of the Panama Canal. The main character, Pedro Prestán, curses the city before dying, but forgives his executioners and waits for time to reveal his role in the story. The <em>Lost Towns</em> of the title refer to the towns buried by the construction of the Canal, due to the lock system used by the United States. The American presence in the Canal contributed to the separation of Panama from Colombia and had a significant impact on migration, cultural diversity, and social conditions in the city of Colón. The novel highlights the geographical importance of Panama as a historical transit point and its role in the construction of the Canal, as well as the celebration of religious festivities and the attitude towards the American presence in the country. In <em>Lost Towns</em> part of the history and national identity of Panama is revealed, portraying historical events and prominent figures in the development of the country. The work is also praised for its literary value, its narrative style and its apocalyptic theme, where history and fiction are combined to offer a unique vision of the country's past. Its reading is recommended for those interested in knowing the history of Panama and its representation in literature.</span></p> Zoribell Anays Salcedo Murillo Lourdes Anays Jaén Herrera Dayra Martínez Coronado Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 175 189 10.48204/3072-9653.5674 Gender violence. Theoretical reflections <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Gender violence should be thoroughly treated so that it can be focused and adequately prevented, thus guaranteeing access to social justice. This allows us to advance in the establishment of equitable power relations on the bases of gender, and to make real the equal access to all spaces in social life. Therefore, the treatment of gender violence requires an integral approach that may allow to visualize the diverse connections in its manifestation and to reach an adequate integration of all factors involved in its prevention and treatment. These factors range from worldwide social organizations, whose purpose is to make mistreatment against women a visible issue as well as its denunciation. In this connection, the present paper is aimed at approaching gender violence from various theoretical positions, as well as at analyzing the gaps still affecting the efforts aimed at reaching equal justice in social development.</span></p> Graciela Soler Nodarse Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1 190 204 10.48204/3072-9653.5675 Editorial Scientific Journal Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal T&E 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 1 1