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Submitted January 18, 2023
Published 2023-01-18


No. 48 (2023): Acción y Reflexión Educativa

Pedagogical mediation, facilitator of the artistic proposal


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DOI: 10.48204/j.are.n48.a3466

Published: 2023-01-18

How to Cite

González Sanjur , F. A. (2023). Pedagogical mediation, facilitator of the artistic proposal. Acción Y Reflexión Educativa, (48), 98–111.


This research aims to demonstrate that pedagogical mediation as an organized space, mediated and assisted by the teacher, is essential to achieve a creative artistic proposal.

For this, an experimental workshop-type experience was prepared with the voluntary participation of 5 observers (art and related specialists) and 20 students from the School of Visual Arts, divided into two groups, and under conditions of: with and without pedagogical mediation. From this it was possible to assess the artistic proposals developed, based on criteria of originality, fluidity, creativity, meaning and visual content; and surveys were applied to both students and observers, in order to know their appreciations about the experience.

From the above, it was obtained that the pedagogical mediation contributes to give meaning to the artistic proposal, which is reflected in the fluidity and originality of the visual content, with which it is possible to direct the art student to the development of production processes from the creativity towards the work of art.


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