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Submitted December 13, 2024
Published 2024-12-17


No. 50 (2025): Acción y Reflexión Educativa

Family and personal factors that generate school dropout in secondary schools in the metropolitan area of Jalisco


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DOI: 10.48204/j.are.n50.a6552

Published: 2024-12-17

How to Cite

Barrios Navarro , C. del R., & López Soto , D. (2024). Family and personal factors that generate school dropout in secondary schools in the metropolitan area of Jalisco. Acción Y Reflexión Educativa, (50), 90–104.


This article is part of a project aimed at improving the retention middle school students in Jalisco, Mexico, through artificial intelligence models and educational intervention. It forms part of the “School Dropout” initiative within fAIr LAC Jalisco, financed by the Inter-American Development Bank, Government of the State of Jalisco, and the Artificial Intelligence HUB of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara. This project was developed in collaboration with the State Commission for the Continuous Improvement of Education of the Jalisco Ministry of Education. To understand the complexity of systemic problems such as school retention and dropout in middle schools, this study was developed to identify and analyze critical factors related to family and social aspects of students that influence education dropout. This research uses a qualitative approach, complemented by quantitative instruments; Results confirm the interrelationship among the analyzed factors.


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