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Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors: 

·The purpose of ANALITICA journal is to publish original and unpublished philosophical research.

·The journal may also publish reviews of current philosophical works, which must not be older than three years from their publication; or translation of articles of interest to philosophy that have not been translated into Spanish.

·The magazine reserves the right to approve or reject the papers presented for its consideration.

·The original writings of the approved works will remain in the archives of the Editor.

·Articles can be written in Spanish or English.

·Articles must contain novel information and represent a substantial contribution to the advancement of philosophy.

Presentation of papers The writings and all correspondence should be directed to the director of the ANALÍTICA journal through email 

·Writings A.    Articles (philosophical research and essay)  The article must fulfill the essential textual, syntactic, and spelling whether it is presented in Spanish or English. The article’s organization or structure includes abstract and keywords (in English and Spanish), introduction, body, conclusions, and bibliography. Citations, bibliographic references, and notes must be presented in APA seventh edition format. It must be presented using Microsoft Word, with an extension between 3000-7000 words, including the bibliography, written in single space, Times New Roman font, size 12. On the first page of the article must appear the following information: the title in capital letters centered, followed by the name and surname of the author (or authors) duly spaced from the title, also centered. Following the author(s), the complete address of the academic unit or institution where the work was carried out and the email address of the main author and co-authors must appear. Immediately after the address, the abstract and keywords should appear in English and Spanish. The main subtitles in the text (for example, Abstract, Introduction…) will be placed in the left margin, writing only the first letter of each word in capital letters. Each page must be numbered and the mentioned references in the text (as well as the bibliography) must be submitted in APA seventh edition style. A.1 Article’s structure 

The manuscript shoud be structured as follows:

  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Resumen
  • Palabras clave
  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusions

The abstract (resumen) should not be longer than 200 words and should include, concisely and precisely, the objective of the research, as well as the main achievements, relevant results and conclusions. The body of the article must reflect the depth and rigor of the researcher, for which the development of the central argument, possible counterarguments and the responses to counterarguments should be particularly considered. In the conclusion, the author must present the final reflections around the central topic of the article. The bibliography must be submitted according to the APA seventh edition format. B.     Review (critical and descriptive) The review genre can be descriptive and critical. If the intention is to present a text (book, article, talk, etc.) highlighting its qualities, it will be descriptive, but if in addition to the above, you want to express opinions, evaluate the text, expand it and even debate or refute it, then it is a critical review, this must be done in an objective and respectful way. B.1 Review’s structure The structure of the review includes the presentation of the writing and its author, the objectives, scope, focus, relevance, importance, and contribution of the text to philosophical studies, the context in which the review is made and the bibliography. If a critical review is to be made, the reviewer's point of view, opinion, evaluation, and contribution should be integrated into the aspects throughout the text. The textual quality and format requirements of the article set out above are applied to the written review. In case of doubts, direct them to the email