Rodriguez Blanco, E., De León, N., Marco, Y., & Camara Cañizares, S. (2020). Gender Diagnosis on Women’s Education in Panama. Acción Y Reflexión Educativa, (45), 102–131.
This study includes a diagnosis, from a gender perspective, on the participation of women in the education system of Panama between the years 2006 – 2018. It was carried out using the education section of the comparative international methodological framework of the National Assessments on Gender and STI ”, by collecting statistical data of the last twelve years with a qualitative work added through individual and group interviews, aimed at describing women participation in the education in Panama. The results show parity in terms of literacy and years of study, but these achievements at the national level are not reflected in the indigenous regions. The rate of pregnant students is worrying. Women complete higher educations in a greater proportion than men, except at the doctoral level or in areas such as engineering and computer science. Women’s access to continuous and informal learning opportunities is equitable, but also concentrated in certain areas. The result of this unequal participation in education reflects and at the same time generates gender stereotypes and inequities, limiting the use of national human resource to its full potential, and the attainment of personal fulfillment of the whole Panamanian population.
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