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The assessment of collaborative learning as a strategy is very diverse since there is already a huge body of literature on the matter. Categorical analysis of collaborative learning in the teaching of mathematics has many implications in the development of logical reasoning and in the acquisition of curricular competences in students.
The objective is to analyze the conceptual contribution, based on scientific articles published between 2016 and 2019, on collaborative learning for the teaching of mathematics, considering its application by educational level. The methodology used is a systematic review of the bibliometric study. Scopus, EBSCO, Academic OneFile and ERIC databases were consulted to select the scientific articles using the Boolean operators AND, OR. For the selection process, the PRISMA diagram was used, until reaching a sample of 27 scientific articles. The results reveal that the language with the highest incidence in scientific production is Spanish, with a stable increase in production in 2019 and 2020. Finally, it is concluded that collaborative learning is used more frequently in the teaching of mathematics and every year the interest of researchers increases.