Arbitration System
The academic works presented to ANALITICA (articles, essays, translations, reviews) will be previously considered by the director, editor or publisher and the Editorial Board, who will assign it a tracking number and after an evaluation. It will be sent for evaluation by the arbitration system - double blind - to two external evaluators, specialists in the subject proposed by the call, whose names will always remain anonymous. Similarly, they will not know who the authors of the revised material are. The abstracts, both in English and Spanish, will be reviewed by specialists in these languages.The evaluation process will have a maximum time of forty (40) days to determine the publication or rejection of the proposal. The decision will be final. Once the external evaluators give their opinion, the authors will be informed, through the director, if it was approved, if it requires amendments or was rejected. The opinion considers three possibilities: · APPROVED, if the peer reviewers consider that the text should be published without amendments.· APPROVED, with small or broad suggestions for modifications. In this circumstance, the author will have forty (40) days to make corrections and the corrected text may be published, after review and approval by the Editorial Board.· REJECTED, if the material submitted for the opinion is rejected because it does not meet the journal's requirements (relevance, academic rigor) or because the suggestions for change are not met, within the period stipulated by the Journal.