Education, in general, and particularly the school as an emblematic institution of the citizens’ technical training and as a historical center of the knowledge power, is being questioned because its actual structure does not respond to the request of the contemporary society due, among other reasons, to the concurrence of diffe-rent sceneries that are disturbing its functioning. Specifically, the philosophical scenery has doubts about the kind of citizens that we want to form, the curricular scenery evidences the classical segmentation of the kno-wledge; the social and familiar scenery privileges and emotional and transient society, the technological scenery has introduced changes in the form how the information is acceded and spread, and the student scenery em-phasizes the easy electronic life and the lack of illusion to conquer the scholar learning. These variables invite us to the reconversion of the school that, open to everybody, can produce an integrating curricular symbiosis with the community ecosystems, helping the development of the citizens’ required capacities.