Instructions to authors
Only unpublished and original themes will be accepted. Authors undertake not to publish them in any other journal, neither partially nor totally, without the written authorisation of ‘+TIC’, which reserves all legal rights of reproduction.
1. Authorship of Contributions
The author may be any person or legal or corporate figure and is solely responsible for preparing and submitting articles in complete form, including text, tables, graphics, photos and other illustrations.
Articles may be single-authored or multi-authored. In the case of multi-authorship, i.e. from 3 to 7 authors, the main author will be placed at the beginning, then in descending order the co-authors, with the last position going to the corresponding author.
1. Sending
In order to publish, authors must be registered in the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) digital identifier. Obtaining ORCID is free of charge; link:
Manuscripts can enter the editorial process through the Open Journal System platform or via email:
The reception of manuscripts is permanent. A letter of approval from all authors must be attached to the submission, certifying its originality and that it has not been submitted to or published in another journal.
The letter should indicate the type of contribution (article, review article, reflection article or scientific note) and two possible reviewers with their respective contact details. Although all contributions will be subject to prior review, the responsibility for their content lies with the authors and not with the editor, the editorial board or the University of Panama. The format for this cover letter can be downloaded from the journal's website.
Each article received will be evaluated within a period of no less than 90 days. If there is feedback, the editor will inform the corresponding author by e-mail.
1. Author's rights and duties
In case the manuscript is approved for forthcoming publication, the authors will retain the copyright and will assign to the journal the rights of publication, editing, reproduction, distribution, exhibition and communication at national and international level in the different databases, repositories and portals.
The main author or author responsible for the publication has the right to withdraw the manuscript from the editorial process, as long as he/she formally informs the reason for the withdrawal of the manuscript before it is refereed and waits for the editor's response before continuing with the submission to another journal.
An author should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time, as this is unethical and unacceptable editorial behaviour.
Manuscript format
A manuscript is the first version of a paper written by an author and submitted to the editor for publication.
Manuscripts should be between 6 and 20 pages in length, while letters to the author should be no longer than two pages.
Letter size
Page margins: (Top and bottom: 2.5 cm, Left and Right: 1.5 cm)
Font Arial, 12 point; except for the title, author and affiliation.
Line spacing 1.5 except for Title and Abstract.
E.Types of manuscripts
Original manuscript. Unpublished work, with authorship or multi-authorship, in exceptional cases, multi-authorship may extend to more than seven authors. Structured as follows: Abstract, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliographical References (15 to 25) in APA format seventh edition. The length for the abstract 250 words, content of 10 to 15 pages and up to 5 tables or figures.
Scientific essay. Writings that are devoted to the examination and reflection of a critical nature on topics related to Computer Science, electronics, communications and related sciences; a limit of four authors, follow the following structure: Summary, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Development of the topic and Bibliographical references (5-15). The maximum length is 150 words in the abstract, 20 pages for the content, 4 figures or tables.
Letter to the Editor. This is a communication addressed to the director or general editor of the Journal, with a limit of one author, making references to articles published preferably in the last two issues or with contributions referring to research carried out. Maximum length of 2 pages, 1 figure or table, and 6 bibliographical references.
Abstract of Thesis. It will be recommended by the examining jury of the act of submission, through a certification; it must present the IMRyD structure, maximum length 350 words, font size 12, Arial format, 1.5 line spacing.
Manuscript structure
Title. Arial font, 14 point size; it must be concise and informative, no more than 20 words, centred, first letter capitals, upper and lower case, sustained bold (title original language; second language without bold). All measurements should be expressed according to the International System of Units.
Authors. Arial font, size 12 points, aligned to the centre, Name and surname, as generally cited.
Affiliation. Arial font, 11 point size, Institution of Origin, Country, Orcid and E-mail.
Abstract. In the original language and in English, between 200 and 250 words, containing at least the following information: objectives, methods, results, most relevant conclusion.
Key words and Keywords. After the Abstract and the Abstract, 3 to 6 keywords that identify the manuscript should be included in Spanish and English, respectively.
Introduction. An updated review of the literature relevant to the work should be presented (sources adequately referenced), to support the working hypothesis, problem or research question; and to show the proposed objective(s).
Materials and Methods. The study design and the techniques for obtaining data should be included in a clear and concise manner. Different sections may be used under appropriate subheadings. A method should not be described if it is already described in the bibliography; it is sufficient to present the bibliographic citation. If you use a modified method, the modification should be clearly stated. Type of analysis.
Results. The results must be presented clearly and precisely, including tables and figures. Do not include data, texts or illustrations that are not related to the research, in the case of statistical analyses. Consonant with the objective or research question.
Tables and figures: They should not exceed 50% of the content of the paper. APA format seventh edition. In no case should the font used in tables be less than 10 pt. When the table does not end on a page, the following page should read ‘Table continued)’.
Discussion. In line with the objectives of the research; all argumentation must be proven with the data presented. It should not be subjective; proposals for the future can be included.
Development (in the case of a scientific essay). This is the development of the topic. The ideas that are held on the topic are presented, the information is commented on personally, data is provided and the concepts are expanded with reflections, examples, comments, comparisons, etc.
Bibliographical references. APA citation style seventh edition. Complete information must be listed for all bibliographical references, which will be ordered alphabetically by the surname of the first author of each citation in the document. The accuracy of the bibliographical references is the responsibility of the authors.
Acknowledgements. Include persons who assisted in the research, advisors, peer reviewers, field collectors, authorities, ministries, communities, counties. Project funding agencies, donations or other types of collaboration that made the work possible.