An investigation was developed to determine the incidence of the stigma fly, Euxesta spp, in different maize producing areas of the Republic of Panama and identify the associated species. Farms were selected in the provinces of Chiriquí, Los Santos, Herrera, Veraguas and Coclé, considering that these provinces have the highest levels of area sown and harvested from the crop nationwide. In each province, farms with average size of one hectare were selected, with maize in flowering stages and ears in a milky state, placing 4 traps per hectare, distributed 30 m apart from each other. The traps placed remained in the field for a period of 7 days. After this period, the traps were collected to verify the incidence of the stigma fly in these plots and provinces. In the cases of the province of Chiriqui and Coclé, sweet corn production farms were included in this study. In all the provinces and farms sampled, the stigma fly (Euxesta spp) was found, both in common corn and in sweet corn. The species identified were Euxesta mazorca, Euxesta stigmatias and Euxesta annonae.