In this study, the serum arilesterase activity of PON1 was determined inPanamanian children of both sexes up to one year of age, divided into threestudy groups, depending on the type of hemoglobin SS, AS and AA. Thearilesterase activity of PON1 was quantified by an ultraviolet kinetic method,with the aim of establishing a protocol that allows any genetic laboratory of ahospital to measure this activity. Through the statistical analysis of Tukey, itwas observed that the average value of arilesterase activity of PON1 obtainedin the population with HbAA was higher than in the population with HbAS andHbSS, having these last two populations very close (not statistically different)values, which shows that routine measurement of arilesterase activity of PON1could be used as a biomarker of oxidative stress in this and other diseases. Thisfact can also be used to allow the design of new treatments to improve theirquality of life.