This paper aims to analyze the type of growth that Panama has regarding entrepreneurship and then establish the relationship between entrepreneurship and the banking sector, that is, if there is financial support for newly created companies. We consider the period from 1995 to 2017 for the data of the variables considered, and for the econometric models we use the Ordinary Least Squares Method because the parameters are quantitative and time series. After five hypotheses to see the different relationships between the variables, we were able to establish that Panama's growth is inclusive, that is to say that GDP increases if the creation of new companies and employment increase. This condition is established by considering income as the primary reason why Panamanians undertake. In addition, we did not see a relationship between the financial sector and entrepreneurship, so a traditional banking sector like ours does not promote the innovative ideas of people willing to undertake. We also didn't see any relationship between the stock market and entrepreneurship. This is logical considering that our financial system is traditional. On the other hand, if this sector develops, entrepreneurs may find financing in those investors who are looking for novel projects that improve and develop the sectors that are listed on the Panamanian stock exchange.