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Submitted January 16, 2024
Published 2024-01-23


Vol. 4 (2024): D’ECONOMÍA

Impact of The Pandemic on the Social System of Panama: June 2022


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DOI: 10.48204/2710-7744.4625

Published: 2024-01-23

How to Cite

Gordon Canto, I. (2024). Impact of The Pandemic on the Social System of Panama: June 2022. D´Economía, 4, 139–153.


The measures implemented in the A.L region in the area of social protection facilitated the mitigation, in part, of the catastrophic effects in the social instance; However, almost three years after its inception, the region has seen an accelerated deterioration in the material living conditions of the population and the abyss that exists in strengthening effective welfare states is evident, with a Health and Social Security System that guarantees equal conditions in access to benefits with high levels of coverage, of financial sufficiency and sustainability. The pandemic clearly established the structural weaknesses of the health systems and pension system in A.L., the former based on a matrix of social inequality and the latter highly vulnerable due to the derisory amount of their amount; However, at the same time, it established boundaries on the need to strengthen and articulate health systems and pension systems within the framework of the principle of solidarity.