This article makes known the background of the Altadir Method of Popular Planning (AMPP), which is the synthetic expression of Situational Strategic Planning (SSP) in Panama and offers basic concepts and propositions presented by the author at the First International Symposium called “Situational Strategic Planning for the Planned Change: International Experiences in Education”, which took place during the 28th International Scientific Congress of the Universidad de Panama in October 2017. The introductory wording of this work focuses on the imperative of thinking rationally before acting, doing it with a method and in the illusory of pretending changes in education without a planned action. Then, as the earliest background, it presents the contact with its creator the Chilean economist Carlos Matus Romo and his interest in Panama. It describes the main Panamanian experiences of AMPP implementation in 100 schools in the Province of Veraguas, on training specialists in educational policies, in research and participatory action, and its foray into teaching and hospital research. It concludes with some scope on their potentials in public and higher education.