For decades, youth and adult education has been developing teaching strategies and facing multiple barriers to achieve oral and written communicative competencies. Such facts were significant reasons to analyze the official Literacy Program as wells strategies suggested, planned and developed by facilitators responsible of the program. This prospective and descriptive analysis, based on a mixed approach, was made by participants, facilitators and supervisors who worked in the Educational Regions of Herrera and Cocle in 2007. This is a joint study, the individuals who participated were: participants, facilitators and supervisors who worked in 2007. It was carried out in the school areas of Coclé and Herrera. The results of the quantitative study indicated that there were no significant differences between the scoring of the facilitators and participants. However, the qualitative results demonstrated that there were deficiencies in the written communicative competence. The teaching stra-tegies are a key component of instructional planning. Their design and implementation guarantee the success of the orientated learning process.