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Submitted July 18, 2022
Published 2022-07-15


No. 50: Anuario de Derecho

Principios aplicables a la Detención Provisional

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Published: 2022-07-15

How to Cite

Franco Bazán, N. N. (2022). Principios aplicables a la Detención Provisional. Anuario De Derecho, (50), 275–296. Retrieved from


This article develops the principles applicable to pretrial detention that are contemplated in the Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama, in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Panama and in the Code of Criminal Procedure of Panama.    The article is structured in the following sections: Introduction. I. Principles applicable to Provisional Detention in the Republic of Panama. A. Principle of freedom. B. Principle of equality. C. Principle of legality. D. Principle of presumption of innocence. E. Principle of proportionality. F. Principle of opportunity. G. Right to defense. H. Rights of the accused. I. Right not to testify against oneself. J. Right to a natural judge. Conclusions. Bibliography.


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