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Submitted April 11, 2024
Published 2024-04-24


No. 53: Anuario de Derecho

Foundation of the concept of crime victim, typologies and their participation in the development of alternative procedures for solving criminal conflict


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DOI: 10.48204/j.aderecho.n53.a4994

Published: 2024-04-24

How to Cite

De León, J. (2024). Foundation of the concept of crime victim, typologies and their participation in the development of alternative procedures for solving criminal conflict. Anuario De Derecho, (53), 382–397.


The victim of a crime, beyond being understood as a simple passive subject of the criminal type or the person on which the criminal action is executed or suffers from the negative

consequences of the action itself, on its assets or rights; possesses typologies that may vary depending on the analysis derived from the objective and subjective dimensions of the different victimization process. The participation of the victim in the crime, their risk and vulnerability contribute to define the types of victims.  Diverse disciplines of the academic chores, Criminology, Human Rights, Criminal Law and Process Law acknowledge the autonomy and interdisciplinarity that this process subject has and that results to be necessary for the definition of the criminal policy of all States.   This article, quoting the valid legislation, allows the understanding not only of the victim´s rights, but also its process participation in the development of the alternative procedures of solution of the criminal conflict. 


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