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Submitted May 23, 2022
Published 2022-05-23

Artículos académicos

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Revista Contacto

Preliminary study of the manufacturing processes in archaeological ceramic samples originating from El Caño based on radiological images

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Published: 2022-05-23

How to Cite

Chaves Tejedor, J., & Mayo Torné, C. (2022). Preliminary study of the manufacturing processes in archaeological ceramic samples originating from El Caño based on radiological images. Revista Contacto, 2(1), 18–33. Retrieved from


The present study proposes a preliminary analysis of the ancient manufacturing techniques used by artisans in pre-Hispanic Coclé. The study materials are a set of archaeological ceramics recently found in the site of El Caño. The methodology used analyzes the orientation and distribution of the tempering agents in the ceramic pastes by radiological techniques. The results obtained from these analyses do not clearly show the use of the coiling technique as commonly believed. The patterns observed, on the contrary, show a distribution that could be associated with slab-building, pinching or moulding techniques.



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