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Submitted June 11, 2024
Published 2024-06-13

Artículos académicos

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Revista Contacto

Role of the social journalist in the crime of sexual exploitation of minors


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DOI: 10.48204/contacto.v4n1.5201

Published: 2024-06-13

How to Cite

Melo Hoyte , G. E. (2024). Role of the social journalist in the crime of sexual exploitation of minors. Revista Contacto, 4(1), 93–112.


The media, together with journalists, play a fundamental role in raising the profile of social issues such as migration, human rights, human trafficking, sexual exploitation of minors, among others. This scientific research aims to analyze the preparation that journalists receive to handle information related to this crime; as well as the work of the media in terms of raising society's awareness through media campaigns disseminated through their platforms. The study has a scope of 53 journalists from different social media, using a series of concepts that allows carrying out an explanatory investigation through which the causes of an event are sought to be established. However, the research is also pure and basic, with the goal of generating new approaches; in addition to descriptive and exploratory aspects to achieve a greater approach to the reality of the topic. After applying a survey, the results obtained indicate that there is a lack of training for journalists regarding the treatment of news related to the sexual exploitation of minors. The implementation of the instrument revealed greater compliance with the protection of victims regarding the use of images. As part of the conclusions, greater awareness is required to protect the human rights of the most vulnerable people; In addition, a commitment to awaken the community with actions that help save lives, defeat economic and political powers that are behind these criminal networks that destroy the mental, physical and emotional integrity of our children and adolescents.


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