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Submitted October 7, 2020
Published 2020-10-06


Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Guacamaya

Provincial gross domestic product (GDP) and the labor market in Panama during the period 2007-2016.


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DOI: 10.48204/j.guacamaya.v5n1a6

Published: 2020-10-06

How to Cite

Perez, J., & González, J. M. (2020). Provincial gross domestic product (GDP) and the labor market in Panama during the period 2007-2016. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 5(1), 70–85.


In the analysis of economic variables and their relationship with the labor market, Solow's growth theory is used in this article. Applying mathematical descriptions and theoretical graphs of the behavior of production variables and the human and physical capital of a country.

This theory provided the fundamental elements for searching provincial and county data in Panama. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Employed Population (PO) and Informal Employment (EI). The relationship of these variables was produced by means of spatial structures and with an econometric technique called Panel Data. With this technique we simulate three (3) models, Pooled ols, Random Effects, Fixed Effects and that gives us a measurement and acceptance view with the Fixed Effects model in Panama.


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