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Submitted October 7, 2020
Published 2020-10-06


Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Guacamaya

Organizational culture and administrative management of the District Municipality of San Jerónimo, Apurímac - Peru


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DOI: 10.48204/j.guacamaya.v5n1a9

Published: 2020-10-06

How to Cite

Surichaqui Vivanco, L. M. (2020). Organizational culture and administrative management of the District Municipality of San Jerónimo, Apurímac - Peru. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 5(1), 109–121.


The research work aimed to determine the relationship between organizational Culture and administrative management of the San Jerónimo District Municipality, Apurímac, the methodology of this work has quantitative approach, non-experimental type with a descriptive correlational design. In order to collect the information, the survey technique was used and two questionnaires were used as instruments, one of them to measure the organizational culture variable, which consists of 20 items and another to measure administrative management with 20 items, both of which were submitted to validation Of three experts, the average approval of the instruments validated by the experts is 81% for the variable 1 organizational culture, which is located within the reliability value of 0.832 and the average approval of the instruments validated by the experts is 79.8% for the variable 2 administrative management, obtaining a coefficient of reliability of alpha of Cronbach of 0,832 and 0,854 respectively. It had a population of 93 workers of the district municipality of San Jerónimo and a sample of 36 workers was extracted. Considering the statistic Tau b Kendall that was 0.467, which indicates the existence of a moderate positive correlation between the study variables and the value of p = 0.000 is less than 0.05; It is stated that there is an association between the organizational culture and the administrative management. It is concluded that there is a significant direct relationship between organizational culture and administrative management in the district municipality of San Jerónimo, Apurímac.


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