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Submitted September 28, 2021
Published 2021-10-01


Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Guacamaya

Effect of temperature and native potato starch on the viscosity and ascorbic acid from the nectar of Carica pubescens

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Published: 2021-10-01

How to Cite

Barrial Lujan, A. I., Rodrigo Cabezas, Y., Antay Ccaccya, R., Arévalo Quijano, J. C., Taipe Pardo, F., & Huamán Carrión, M. L. (2021). Effect of temperature and native potato starch on the viscosity and ascorbic acid from the nectar of Carica pubescens. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 6(1), 1–19. Retrieved from


The nectar is made up of the juice and the pulp of the fruit, with attributes of uniform color and smell similar to the respective fruit. However, it faces the most common problem such as the sedimentation of the pulp and suffers a degradation of some of its elemental components such as vitamins. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of temperature and native potato starch ccompis variety on the viscosity and ascorbic acid of the nectar made from native papayita fruits. The viscosity of the nectar was determined using the capillary viscometer; while the concentration of ascorbic acid by the method 2,6 dichlorophenol indophenol under spectrophotometric readings. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a 5% LSD test of significance. Said viscosity was 9.9 ± 0.55 cP (p <0.05), under the effect of 0.4% starch at 70°C. While the ascorbic acid concentration of the nectar was quantified at 29.2950 ± 0.80 mg / 100 ml (p <0.05) under the conditions of 0.4% starch and 60°C; In this way, it is stated, the nectar made from native papayita presents a good concentration of ascorbic acid and viscosity when subjected to heat treatments between 60 to 70°C with a low percentage of addition of native potato starch ccompis variety due to its high stabilizing power.


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