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Submitted October 3, 2022
Published 2022-10-05


Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Revista Científica Guacamaya

Application the analysis of variance to compare student learning in three different modalities: : asynchronous virtual, synchronous virtual, and face-to-face

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Published: 2022-10-05

How to Cite

Alfaro Ureña, D., Ortega A., B., & Lozano, B. (2022). Application the analysis of variance to compare student learning in three different modalities: : asynchronous virtual, synchronous virtual, and face-to-face. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 7(1), 60–72. Retrieved from


The objective of this research is to apply the analysis of variance to compare student learning in the hypothesis testing with three different modalities: asynchronous virtual, synchronous virtual, and face-to-face, in a Statistics II course taught in the second semester of the academic year 2021 at the Coclé Regional University Center of the University of Panama. The focal point is explanatory quantitative cross-sectional. One-factor ANOVA was used relating two variables: a quantitative dependent variable (score) and a categorical-factor independent variable (modality). The results reflected the normality and equality of variances of the groups corresponding to each modality. This allowed performing the analysis of variance. The results of the ANOVA indicate that there are no significant differences in the mean scores of the students in the three modalities: asynchronous virtual, synchronous virtual and face-to-face.


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