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Submitted October 3, 2022
Published 2022-10-05


Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Revista Científica Guacamaya

Promotional marketing applied to businesses in the Aguadulce public market

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Published: 2022-10-05

How to Cite

Pedreschi Caballero, R. J., & Oris Mercedes, N. L. (2022). Promotional marketing applied to businesses in the Aguadulce public market. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 7(1), 104–119. Retrieved from


Promotional marketing is nothing more than the use of special offers that a business uses for the purpose of increasing customer interest and influencing the purchase, as well as to make a particular product, service or brand popular. Promotional marketing, of course, must rely on other marketing tools to attract attention, such as the use of digital marketing to make more people aware of a particular offer, another tool is social networks or consider advertising so that more people learn about a particular offer. The objective of this research is to increase the clientele in the different businesses that the Aguadulce Public Market has through promotional marketing strategies.For this research, a descriptive study will be carried out to determine how to implement promotional marketing in the businesses of the Aguadulce Municipal Public Market. It includes the different items found in the Public Market, with a total of 35 businesses. The different microentrepreneurs of the Aguadulce Market were surveyed through a face-to-face questionnaire.

The analysis of the results shows that the microentrepreneurs of the Aguadulce Public Market would be willing to be trained in techniques to promote their business, where 25% would be willing and only 10% stated that they do not need training, as well as 31% of the Respondents would be willing to be trained in the use of social networks to promote and attract more customers to their business.


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