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Submitted April 22, 2019
Published 2019-04-22


Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): Guacamaya

Presence of parasites in Bufo marinusexcreta in La Mata, Veraguas –Panamá

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Published: 2019-04-22

How to Cite

Duarte, D., González, R., & Him Fábrega, J. J. (2019). Presence of parasites in Bufo marinusexcreta in La Mata, Veraguas –Panamá. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 3(2), 20–25. Retrieved from


The common toad (Bufo marinus) is an amphibian with varied feeding. Generally, it approaches the illuminated parts of the dwellings to feed on insects that fall to the floor, where they defecate, which can lead to the presence of eggs and larvae of parasites that can infect humans. To determine this risk, 3 samples of faeces of amphibians that presented this behavior were collected in houses of the community of La Mata, Veraguas. The samples were transferred to the microbiology laboratory of the CRUV in Santiago de Veraguas. Each sample was processed by a modification of Kato for parasites in feces. Eggs of Ancylostoma duodenale, Trichostrongylus y Opisthorchi were observed.


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