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Open access policies

The +TIC, Technology, Research and Science Journal is an open access journal, as all its articles are available on the Internet to all readers immediately after publication in accordance with the periodicity stated in the instructions to authors (six-monthly). All users have free access to the articles and other documents published in this journal, globally, without space restrictions.
The +TIC Journal provides free access to all its articles and there is no charge for the editorial process of the articles. The +TIC Journal does not charge for its publication, nor does it undertake to remunerate the authors, as they cede the right to publish their articles. This magazine does not seek to make a profit from its activity. Any author who submits an article for publication in this journal accepts this rule. There is also no payment or other consideration for the reviewer who participates in this process.
Immediate free access to its content is provided on the principle of making research freely available to the public, which encourages greater global knowledge exchange.
When an author submits an article for publication in the journal, it is expected that the article has not been published before and has not been submitted for consideration by another publication, so it must comply with the elements of being original and unpublished, adhering to the rules of citation and referencing.

Authors retain at all times their copyright on their published contributions. Copyright policies imply the condition of citation of the author(s) of any content reproduced in whole or in part, as long as the information is not used for commercial purposes; thus, the intellectual property of the author(s) and of the University of Panama, as the publishing entity, is acknowledged.
The assignment of copyright implies the assignment of economic rights by the authors of the published articles and that the journal can publish them in electronic format. Revista +TIC does not request payment from authors for the editorial process or for publishing, nor from readers for access to the scientific information found in the Portal of Journals of the University of Panama (


The Journal evaluates all manuscripts through a highly transparent and participatory peer review process, which includes the eventual disclosure (two years after publication of the article) of the identity of the reviewers.
The manuscript evaluation process is at no cost to any of the journal's contributors. Any manuscript submitted for publication will be treated equally and confidentially.
The reviewers must comply with the times agreed and requested by +TIC Journal for the reviews, and must avoid accepting manuscripts that are not within their competence, when they consider that they cannot review them in the established time or when there is a link with the author(s), respecting the confidentiality of the manuscript and the right of authorship, avoiding commenting or discussing the content of the documents with other people.

+TIC Journal adopts the following Creative Commons publishing license:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
- BY - Attribution: credit must be given appropriately, providing a link to the licence, and indicate if changes have been made. It can be done in any reasonable way, but not in such a way as to suggest that you or your use is supported by the licensor.
- NC - NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
- SA - ShareAlike: If you remix, transform or build upon the material, you must distribute your contribution under the same licence as the original.

The editorial management of the Journal is carried out by means of the OPEN JOURNAL SYSTEMS (OJS) software, in which the plugin called LOCKSS has been enabled for digital preservation and restoration purposes.

Both the Editorial Committee and the authors of the +TIC Journal are committed to promote induction strategies and promotion of access and use of articles, so that the university community understands the value of the information contained in the different issues of the publication, for this, once published will be disseminated through the various institutional and personal social networks and / or through academic events held in the institution and in the academic unit.
The +TIC Journal considers that plagiarism includes both theft and misappropriation of intellectual property and textual copy unattributed substance of the work of the person, so that all manuscripts received are verified by the editor-in-chief, who submits them to the analysis of semantic coincidence through the anti-plagiarism software Ouriginal-, acquired by the Vice-Rectory for Research and Graduate Studies. If a similarity of up to 20% is detected, the manuscript will be returned to its author so that he/she can make the necessary modifications and return it to the journal for a new revision. If the semantic coincidence detected by the software is more than 21% similarity the manuscript is completely rejected without the right to resubmission.
The +TIC Journal sanctions plagiarism and fraudulent data in documents, publishing the same article in more than one journal, copying and using textual information from any document, using data, images and other resources without the authorisation of all the natural or legal authors of the work, using information that has not been consulted from the original source by any of the authors of the document. Modifying or misrepresenting the meaning and context of information contained in other works, as well as any other inappropriate use that alters the integrity of the information. In case of 100% similarity, the author(s) will be sanctioned to three years (as a minimum measure) without the possibility of publishing in +TIC (RIC.s.f, para.32).
The +TIC Journal ensures that editors, reviewers, and authors rigorously follow international ethical standards during the manuscript review and publication process.
The Journal's ethical guidelines are aligned with those established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Any work that does not conform to these recommendations and that is found to be malpractice will be removed and retracted, depending on the status of the manuscript at the time ethical misconduct is detected.
Access and reuse policies.
RIC (n.d). Open access policy: