The commitment, engagement or student involvement is the degree of effort, interest, motivation that each student invests to achieve academic goals; It is characterized by a positive attitude towards academics: career, teachers, classmates, activities, institution. This commitment is one of the predictors of academic dropout. For this research, academic activities refer to the course and its contents, didactic strategies, evaluation methods, available resources, the perception of the course by students about its relevance to the career, expectations about their performance, level of satisfaction with the race. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of academic activities on student engagement in the Psychology Degree at the University of Panama. An initial (qualitative) exploratory phase will be carried out with in-depth interviews with students of different levels/shifts of the career and teachers. Then, in the quantitative phase, the instruments specially designed to measure the main constructs will be designed and standardized tests will be used. The sample will be approximately 150 students (approximate error of 7%, confidence level of 95%), representative by shift and level. The application of instruments will be in online platforms, after explanation and signing of the informed consent of the participants. Participation will be voluntary, respecting good practices and ethical principles. A model of linear structural equations will be applied with the XLSTAT program to understand relationships in different pathways and effects on student engagement; Contrast tests will also be applied between the groups identified with high and low level of commitment and if there are significant statistical differences between their results. At the conclusion of this research, it is expected to contribute with key elements of academic activities that favor student engagement, which will impact academic success in the future.