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Submitted April 22, 2022
Published 2022-04-22


No. 6 (2022): Revista Panameña de Ciencias Sociales

Socioeconomía de los apicultores indígenas mayas de camino real Campeche, México

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Published: 2022-04-22

How to Cite

Chi Chan, M. T. de J., Cruz Doriano, S., & Ortiz Cel, O. G. (2022). Socioeconomía de los apicultores indígenas mayas de camino real Campeche, México. Revista Panameña De Ciencias Sociales, (6), 148–171. Retrieved from


Indigenous Mayan beekeepers in the Camino Real region of Campeche are vulnerable, since the economic activities they practice only allow them to have enough to subsist. The purpose of this research is to analyze the economic activities, social opportunities and way of life of indigenous Mayan beekeepers living in the Camino Real area of Campeche. The socioeconomic context in the Camino Real region was considered: Tenabo, Hecelchakán, Dzitbalché and Calkiní; the survey applied includes topics on the economic activities practiced (agricultural and non-agricultural), the family resources available, as well as health, food, education and housing opportunities. It was determined that the socioeconomic conditions of the indigenous Mayan beekeepers are at a low level, therefore, it is reflected in the conditions and quality of life, having a shortage of resources to acquire basic services; as for the low income obtained from honey is due to the lack of dynamism in production, being a complementary activity for the family income, coupled with variations in product price, lack of added value, increase in input prices and inadequate management of the apiary.


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