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Submitted February 8, 2019
Published 2018-07-18


Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Revista Colón Ciencias, Tecnología y Negocios

Characterization of the state of solid waste in the Centro Regional Universitario de Colon. A possible scenario of environmental pollution

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Published: 2018-07-18

How to Cite

De La Cruz Cabrera, V. (2018). Characterization of the state of solid waste in the Centro Regional Universitario de Colon. A possible scenario of environmental pollution. Revista Colón Ciencias, Tecnología Y Negocios, 5(2), 38–47. Retrieved from


The present study was framed in a qualitative research carried out in the Centro Regional Universitario de Colon, Universidad de Panama, with the purpose of describing the current situation of the solid wastes and identifying the level of understanding of the members of the university community about the management, generation, disposal and solid waste management. Descriptive statistics were used to represent and analyze the collected data. The results revealed a coincidental trend of administrative staff (65%), faculty (93%) and students (77%) who reported to have received environmental orientation and / or some training during their university studies. On the other hand, administrative staff (91%), faculty (96%) and students (92%) indicate that they are willing to receive training on environmental issues, although in some cases they do not relate to the specialty. By turning actors into protagonists of the process and sharing knowledge of reality about our object of study, it allowed identifying the problem and its pressing needs.


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