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Submitted July 25, 2024
Published 2024-07-26


Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Revista Colón Ciencias, Tecnología y Negocios

Promotion of women’s rural entrepreneurship for socioeconomic development in Ciricito, Colón, Panamá


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DOI: 10.48204/j.colonciencias.v11n2.a5455

Published: 2024-07-26

How to Cite

Fiengo Herrera, Y., & Rodríguez Magallón, M. (2024). Promotion of women’s rural entrepreneurship for socioeconomic development in Ciricito, Colón, Panamá. Revista Colón Ciencias, Tecnología Y Negocios, 11(2), 135–152.


The township of Ciricito, located in the province of Colón, belongs to the district of Colón, which starts from the point where the contour curve of 30.48 meters cuts the creek La Pantanosa, follows said curve bordering Lake Gatún, towards the place where it cuts the road that connects the towns of Cuipo and Uyama. One of the limitations that most affect men and women in rural communities is the lack of opportunities, including education, technical training, employment, and facilities to start their businesses.  The community of Ciricito, considered a rural community, is no stranger to these limitations. During a visit to the site, the women of La Cauchera expressed their interest in learning and improving their training to undertake business. The training of entrepreneurs arises from the need to train people with skills and abilities for the creation and management of companies, given that the economy at the level of our countries is going through a vital jobs’ crisis. The primary objective of the research was to promote women's entrepreneurship through training in basic business skills and technical skills to motivate entrepreneurship to obtain economic benefits. With a group of female volunteers, previous surveys were carried out to determine interest in training; training was organized, which, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, was taught virtually and semi-in-person. Subsequently, a survey was conducted to measure satisfaction with the skills learned and the intention to start a business. The participating women expressed their interest in entrepreneurship in the skills learned.


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