Virtual adaptation is a strategy that, after the “Corona Virus” pandemic, has become a tool to strengthen skills in cultural tourism projections; specifically, in the suggested changes in educational content at the higher level. To improve these innovations, we propose to study the insertion of tourism as a discipline of the university education curriculum, collecting possible contributions for cultural development, trying to provoke a reflection on the topic of tourism and culture today, contextualizing it with contemporary phenomena that mark the period. postmodern and influence tourism activity. From this article, we will focus on the relationship between cultural tourism, technological advances through virtual adjustments and the link with transformations in educational training. After the above, our objectives are aimed at highlighting the potential of virtual education within the framework of cultural tourism as a means to improve the skills required by university students, which contribute to their professional success and improve learning from the adoption of good practices on the part of the teacher, maintaining the interest of the scientific and academic community of the potential that the adaptation of virtual platforms has.