The article presents the economic evaluation of the implementation of a craft market with a gender focus in the North Panama sector; The project is based on the importance of the development of local markets for the direct creation of development poles in peripheries far from urban centers. The proposed economic activities are artisanal activities, which are traditionally developed in Panama due to the cultural heritage of being a geographical intersection for humanity and a historical meeting point of peoples. Female entrepreneurship directly benefits the domestic economy, since women allocate their income to cover household expenses, children, and family relationships with parents, husbands, and brothers.
It is shown that the Artisanal Market project is viable since its profitability indicators are positive, namely, the Internal Rate of Return of 14.48% is greater than the Opportunity Cost of Capital of 11%; The Net Present Value exceeds B/. 1,805,430; and it is evident that the benefits exceed the costs, which is why the project is viable.