Patiño Martínez, A. E., & Godoy Othón, C. A. (2023). RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE PRODUCTIVE PROFILE OF PANAMA POST-PANDEMIC. D´Economía, 2, 39–53. Recuperado de
The article is a look at the productive profile of Panama, which since its conception was designed to favorminorities since its operation generates deep distortions, which over time have been sustained by the number of subsidies; but that with the pandemic it has collapsed and that the country needs to develop a new development model with a change in its profile or productive matrix, with a focus on sustainability, equity, gender, inclusive and allows care for the environment; because it is not about generating a higher per capita income but about reducing the gap of inequality, poverty, extreme poverty throughalternatives that are not the government subsidy, already today in the region, Panama, is one of the three countries with the highest inequality, surpassed only by Brazil and Colombia; and it is one of the nine countries with the worst income distributionin the world compared to countries in Africa.In the analysis of the economic and productive profile of Panama, there are significant changes in the weight of the main branches of economic activity in the post-pandemic GDP; variations in the composition and behavior of exports and imports; the composition and trends of the energy and electrical matrix; the main environmental impacts of economic activities and the perspectives and indicators of competitiveness, productivity, chain and added value of productive activities. Finally, it culminates with the identification of the sectors with potential for the transformation of the productive profile with social inclusion, gender equality and environmental sustainability, with a view to the elaboration of a development plan for 2050.
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