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Submitted October 15, 2021
Published 2021-01-28


Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): REICIT

La innovación corporativa, la imaginiería y los imaginieros

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Published: 2021-01-28

How to Cite

Carreño, A. J. A. (2021) “La innovación corporativa, la imaginiería y los imaginieros”, REICIT, 1(1), pp. 37–52. Available at: (Accessed: 28 September 2024).


Considering the corporate imagination is the row material for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in today’s corporations and this has originated new technological transformations helping industrial and social development. Also, men use engineering to build all the innovative work into goods and services, which derives into productivity and economic growth. The sum of these effects “imagination plus engineering” is called Imagineering and it takes all human capabilities to generate innovations and entrepreneurship. This investigation demonstrated that Imagineering in the managerial content it was highly correlated with creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The investigation was considered documental and descriptive type, with a bibliographic and bibliometric design transection descriptive. The universe of documents analyzed were 135 posts that were published by Alvaro Alfonzo personal LinkedIn since 2014, the analysis was done by using document elicitation they also were triangulated previous bibliometric documents, concluding that there were opportunities for including the Imagineering in the planning cycle through a set of strategic initiatives formulated.


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