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Submitted July 18, 2022
Published 2022-07-15


No. 50: Anuario de Derecho

Acerca de los límites del comportamiento justificado frente al COVID-19

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Published: 2022-07-15

How to Cite

Arango Durling, V. (2022). Acerca de los límites del comportamiento justificado frente al COVID-19. Anuario De Derecho, (50), 224–238. Retrieved from


This study deals with the problems that arise in a pandemic caused by Covid-19, in which there is a debate between the illegal and permitted behavior of the doctor and other public servants, and for this, the current criminal legislation that contemplate the causes of justification. With this, it has been verified that the medical actions, as well as the rest of the public servants who do it for reasons of the pandemic to avoid the spread of the virus, execute attacks against legal assets, as happens, for example, with the right to liberty. . And it must be made clear, that due to pandemic reasons, the right to public health is above the right to freedom, for which certain rights are limited, such as, for example, the right to conscientious objection of Refuse to receive treatment, not to allow them to enter your home without your permission for health reasons, or to be hospitalized to avoid the spread of the virus, and in these cases the behavior is allowed and justified.


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