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Submitted January 10, 2023
Published 2023-01-26


No. 51: Anuario de Derecho

La prospectiva: una herramienta para la creación de ordenamientos jurídicos.

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Published: 2023-01-26

How to Cite

Campos Alvarado, V. M. (2023). La prospectiva: una herramienta para la creación de ordenamientos jurídicos. Anuario De Derecho, (51), 162–173. Retrieved from


For the formulation of legal systems, research tools such as foresight can be used to create future scenarios of social realities based on the contribution and methodology of experts from various areas of knowledge: technical research theories and instruments Its purpose is to elaborate public policies and / or actions that benefit the majority, based on scientific study and planning of actions and resources. This instrument allows the creation of legal systems more attached to social realities and with a vision of the future.


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