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Submitted January 11, 2023
Published 2023-01-26


No. 52: Anuario de Derecho

Equidad En El Derecho Al Agua Y La Convención De Los Derechos Del Niño.

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Published: 2023-01-26

How to Cite

Campos Alvarado, V. M. (2023). Equidad En El Derecho Al Agua Y La Convención De Los Derechos Del Niño. Anuario De Derecho, (52), 98–137. Retrieved from


Natural Law contains a set of rules that has supported Positive Law at the national and international level. These rules collaborate in the coexistence of human groups.

Equity is one of the essential bases immersed in Natural Law and essential for coexistence in harmony. Through it, a balance is sought through which it tries to give each individual, according to their condition or merits, what corresponds to them. From this perspective, water is a vital resource for all and to which we must all have access and that cannot be postponed for development and health.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child Protects their right to water in this international instrument that Panama recognizes and adopts. Due to their condition as vulnerable beings, they must have priority in their access. However, and even though compliance with said Convention, which protects children's right to water, is mandatory, there are deficiencies in its availability and quality that affect equity in access to this resource necessary for human development.


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