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Submitted January 30, 2024
Published 2024-01-31


Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Cuadernos de Coyuntura

Panama in Economic Uncertainty : 2023

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Published: 2024-01-31

How to Cite

Jované De Puy , J. A. (2024). Panama in Economic Uncertainty : 2023. Cuadernos De Coyuntura, 1(2), 8–10. Retrieved from


We present a brief summary of the national economic situation at a certain moment in July and the forecasts for December 2023, which together show the current state of a Panamanian economy and the performance of the different socioeconomic agents, giving rise to new economic scenarios. and it is given by the evolution of the economic variables that make up the economy and that can affect companies and the country in general, therefore, it can be applied both at the microeconomic level and at the macroeconomic level in Panama.


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