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Submitted January 31, 2024
Published 2024-01-31


Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Cuadernos de Coyuntura

A Bright Economic Future Without Mining

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Published: 2024-01-31

How to Cite

Jované De Puy , J. A. (2024). A Bright Economic Future Without Mining. Cuadernos De Coyuntura, 2(1), 8–18. Retrieved from


This article seeks to show that Panama has a clear path to the future Without Mining. Furthermore, this can be easily verified, even based on the very biased figures presented by the promoters of the mining-extractivist model, which have been totally criticized in previous articles. To remember, Gobbelian propaganda has insisted that mining generates 4.8% of the GDP and 70,000 direct and indirect jobs. This, of course, without taking into account the impact that open pit mining exploitation has on human well-being and biodiversity.

Defenders of First Quantum Ltd., both overt and covert, attempt to demonstrate that without mining the Panamanian economy would be virtually destroyed. Among the favorite arguments of the mining company's officials, to which Tristan Pascall himself has now been added, as well as the local paid pens, is the idea that it would be very difficult to replace the GDP generated by Minera Panamá S.A., as well as the presence of job losses of catastrophic dimensions. This has led some to ask, what are the alternatives?


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