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Submitted August 1, 2023
Published 2023-08-02


No. 33 (2023): Cuadernos Nacionales

Recreational activities: : dynamic learning from the link with society and its social impact


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DOI: 10.48204/j.cnacionales.n33.a4164

Published: 2023-08-02

How to Cite

Sánchez Salazar , T. del R., Gómez Alcívar , V. J., Arana Cadena , R. M., & Carrera Bajaña , K. S. (2023). Recreational activities: : dynamic learning from the link with society and its social impact. Cuadernos Nacionales, (33), 102–119.


The playful activities brought to the classroom become a strategic tool, introducing the child to knowledge in pleasant environments in an attractive and natural way, developing abilities and skills, generating happy, affectionate children, willing to work in the classroom; curious, creative that promote motivation by expanding their vocabulary; likewise, the coexistence and interrelation from their school and family environment. This attitude promotes the interest of parents towards school events, makes the student learn to produce, to respect the playful rules that generate creativity and self-exploration. The benefits of these activities is the mastery and effective control in the various global and segmental coordinations, it stimulates sensory perception, motor coordination and the sense of rhythm, among other particularities that are important for teachers to be able to recognize in children their different learning stages. Linking with society or community service aims to: Use recreational activities to reinforce learning processes in Basic General Education students. The methodology applied is based on satisfaction surveys applied to the beneficiaries, which results in the social impact in the sectors where the link to children in need is developed. In conclusion, recreational activities are very important for the teaching - learning process and the development of skills and abilities in children, generating social impact, with the workshops carried out in the different sectors of the Babahoyo Canton.

Keywords: Playful, learning, link with society, social impact.


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