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Submitted January 28, 2025
Published 2025-02-07


No. 36 (2025): Cuadernos Nacionales

Diplomatic disputes between Panama and the United States over the interpretation of the Canal Treaty, 1904-1927


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DOI: 10.48204/j.cnacionales.n36.a6823

Published: 2025-02-07

How to Cite

Gurdián Guerra, R. (2025). Diplomatic disputes between Panama and the United States over the interpretation of the Canal Treaty, 1904-1927. Cuadernos Nacionales, (36), 22–45.


The objective of the work is to analyze the controversies and problems that arose in Panamanian-American relations at the beginning of the Republican era and whose origin dates back to the unilateral and even inconsistence interpretations of certain American officials who had to do with the execution of the 1903 Canal Treaty, a situation that provoked protests and angry claims from certain economic sectors and social groups and the Panamanian government, due to the damage that such measures could cause to the Panamanian nation.


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