The research based on oral history application, for the compilation, through interviews, of Penonomé city residents’ memories who have more than 80 years of living in the community. The interview is focused on reviving aspects of the daily life of the Penonomenian of that time, to enrich the CRU Coclé students´ cultural heritage, especially in the Faculty of Arts. Today's youth is largely ignorant of Penonomé's past and, in turn, of the communities to which they belong to. For this reason, within the framework of the Penonomé District Foundation, it was aimed to perform the investigation to raise awareness among students and thus value the inheritance of our city and appreciate the amount of knowledge that older people have.
Moreover, the presentation of the research to the audience was made in an innovative way, with the collaboration of students of the career in English as interviewers and translators; as well as interpreters of English and Spanish the day of the presentation.
Among the scope of the project a number of 10 older adults from the District of Penonomé, Coclé were interviewed. They related their past experiences in terms of daily life situations, traditions, clothing, places, etc., that were part of Penonome’s culture in the middle of twentieth century. This contribution is very significant since it was possible to know part of the identity of the Penonomenian people 75 years ago.