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Submitted March 24, 2021
Published 2021-04-01


Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Guacamaya

The polynomial box: a tool to improve the meaningful learning of the multiplication of monomials and polynomials

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Published: 2021-04-01

How to Cite

Villarreal B., D. E., Caballero Vigil., L., & Jaramillo H., R. I. (2021). The polynomial box: a tool to improve the meaningful learning of the multiplication of monomials and polynomials. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 5(2), 1–18. Retrieved from


This article is the synthesis of an investigation carried out at the Professional Technical and Industrial Institute of Aguadulce with students of 10th grade industrial bachelor, whose objective was to achieve in students a significant learning of the multiplication of monomials and polynomials, through a proposal of work with the didactic tool the box of polynomials as manipulative material. All this based on the theory of constructivism whose maximum proponent is Jean Piaget and the theory of meaningful learning proposed by David Ausbel. The investigation began with the application of a pre-test in which the little mastery that the students had of the multiplication of monomials and polynomials was evidenced. Then the didactic guide was designed and applied with an aim at consolidating the weaknesses found in the pre-test to finish with the application of a post test. The analysis of the results was carried out through the comparison between the results obtained both in the pre-test and in the post-test, allowing us to draw the conclusions of the research


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