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Submitted September 28, 2021
Published 2021-10-01


Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Guacamaya

Digital marketing as a strategy for Pymes in the Aguadulce district

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Published: 2021-10-01

How to Cite

Pedreschi Caballero, R. J., & Nieto Lara, O. M. (2021). Digital marketing as a strategy for Pymes in the Aguadulce district. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 6(1), 120–139. Retrieved from


Digital marketing has currently become a fundamental and important pillar within any company because, through it, we can carry out a study and analysis of the different markets and consumers, this department is responsible for carrying out all the efforts of the commercial area of the organization in order to retain, retain and capture the attention of new customers through the satisfaction of each of their needs. Marketing seeks to obtain indispensable tools that allow the company to preserve and improve its positioning in the markets, as well as to find alternatives that allow it to maintain its position within the customer's demands. Nowadays, the use that the company gives to marketing to get new customers has changed considerably, so they have implemented the term digital marketing, which has become a fundamental factor for a company, which allows to reach a larger target audience. Nowadays, social networks are being commonly used and this is a great advantage for companies, since through them they allow them to inform customers about their brands and products. There are some tools and strategies that companies must use to stay in the markets so through this document will allow to know about how digital marketing influences Pymes.

For this research, a descriptive study will be conducted to determine how Digital Marketing influences as a strategy for Pymes in the district of Aguadulce. Pymes in the district are included, with a total of 120 businesses. They were surveyed by means of a questionnaire virtually using the tool of (Google Forms, 2021). 

The analysis of the results shows that 85.8% of the Pymes in the district of Aguadulce stated that they use social networks to promote or sell their company's products or services and 14.2% stated that they do not use social networks to sell the products they offer.


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