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Submitted October 3, 2023
Published 2023-10-09


Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Revista Científica Guacamaya

Characteristics of the financial reality produced by the health crisis (COVID-19) in the students of the Faculty of Economy of the Regional University Center of Coclé. Year 2021


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DOI: 10.48204/j.guacamaya.v8n1.a4320

Published: 2023-10-09

How to Cite

Harari L., E. J., & Ortega Aranda, B. A. (2023). Characteristics of the financial reality produced by the health crisis (COVID-19) in the students of the Faculty of Economy of the Regional University Center of Coclé. Year 2021. Revista Científica Guacamaya, 8(1), 86–96.


An evident fact is that the consequences of the Pandemic product of COVID-19 range from: economic, financial, educational, political, social, and cultural, among others; and they were not alien to states and private corporations, much less to individuals and their families. To verify these effects in our students, a descriptive type of research carried out on the characteristics of the financial reality produced by the health crisis (Covid 19) from the students of Economics Faculty of the Panama University, Coclé Campus, year 2021 and the main objective was to describe these characteristics.  A survey-type instrument was applied on 103 students: 87% (90 students) indicate that was some changes on their personal finances, 40% (41 students) reported a reduction on their income less than 25% and 26% (27 students) that their economic situation was greatly affected by a reduction between 50% and 75% of their income.  The covid-19 directly affected the sources of income due to job loss, salary reduction and reduction of working hours among other things, in 79% of the students.  The study serves as a basis to promote some type of help for students affected in their family income so that their access to education is not affected.


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