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Submitted May 29, 2019
Published 2019-01-11

Contribuciones al conocimiento

Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019): Revista Colón Ciencias, Tecnología y Negocios

Administration and project management for import and export companies

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Published: 2019-01-11

How to Cite

Martínez de Berrío, G. (2019). Administration and project management for import and export companies. Revista Colón Ciencias, Tecnología Y Negocios, 6(1), 44–55. Retrieved from


The administration and project management is used in all type of organization to facilitate the achievement of its goals and objectives. The purpose of this type of process is to reach these goals through the establishment of methodologies, tools and the appropriate allocation of resources towards the proposed objectives. Its correct application usually allows achieving successful or comparably improved results.

Currently, organizations tend increasingly to conduct their business strategies through projects, with which they ensure effective results and high returns, known as project management, which is used to provide a defined structure for its execution and a clear perspective of the achievable in order to facilitate decision-making.

The Directors and Project Managers must respond to the high entrepreneurial requirement of being efficient in the management of resources, including time, and achieving the highest possible financial results, therefore they need to train their collaborators so that they are in accordance with the requirements of global standard of the current project managers.

The project management for imports has a fairly broad content that depending on the need of the company covers different topics such as search for suppliers, import merchandise, import of products, and negotiations with suppliers, among others. While the project management for exports contemplates a scheme of the procedures that must be carried out to carry out the exports of goods and services that the client needs.


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